1. Build Application for Release 2. Open Visual Studio 2013 Developer Command Prompt Using the command prompt from Visual Studio will ensure that Qt has the directory for Visual Studio. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts\Developer Command Prompt for VS201...
} DEPLOY_COMMAND =$$(QTDIR)/bin/windeployqt CONFIG( debug, debug|release ) {# debugDEPLOY_TARGET =$$shell_quote($$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/debug/$${TARGET}$${TARGET_CUSTOM_EXT})) }else{# releaseDEPLOY_TARGET =$$shell_quote($$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/release/$${TARGET}$${TARGET_...
export QT_MXE_ARCH=amd64 && export QT_MXE_STATIC=true && qtdeploy -docker build windowsand on windows with msys2. (and also for darwin and android) Did you use the official prebuilt Qt version on windows? And could you maybe test it again? If it crashes again, I will setup a fresh...
Unlike the deployment processes onX11andWindows, compiler specific libraries rarely have to be redistributed along with your application. But since Qt can be configured, built, and installed in several ways on Mac OS X, there are also several ways to deploy applications. Typically your goals help...
linuxdeployqt-linux下Qt打包工具 qtwindowslinux打包腾讯云测试服务 基于Windows-Qt 发布的打包工具windeployqt,主要打包Qt相关依赖库,但是在linux,qt官方并未发布对应的打包版本。在github中,有人开源了这个版本linuxdeployqt,之前一直知道但是没怎么用,最近因为要打包对应工程,又拿出研究了一下。 何其不顾四月天 2023...
Windows使用set 设置上面环境变量,QT将在plugins\platforms寻找qwindows.dll。当然,也可以通过这种方式设置绝对路径。而且,如果想获得大量的插件目录,则可以附加以;分隔的其他路径。(在Linux中是:)。 在代码中指定插件路径: #include"mainwindow.h"#include<QApplication>intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){QApplication::...
4.安装linuxdeployqt 针对Qt,linuxdeployqt这个工具可以帮助我们快速打包Qt项目。在windows下对应的软件叫windowsdeployqt。 linuxdeployqt的github网址:linuxdeplyoqt github上提供了两种安装linuxdeployqt的方法,分别是直接下载编译好的安装包安装,或者从源代码安装。两种方式都不难。
Deploying aQt5 Application Linux:https://wiki.qt.io/Deploying_a_Qt5_Application_Linux 2.3 附加Dll文件(mac) 由于Qt的库并不是OS X标配的,所以我们要自己去复制库到app包里,才可以让app在其他未安装Qt的电脑上运行。 比较幸运的是,Qt为我们提供了macdeployqt工具,借助于此,在OS X上发布Qt写的程序几乎...
Qt Deploy Tool 5.3.1 The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt installation (e.g. <QT_DIR\bin>) to the PATH variable and then run: windeployqt <path-to-app-binary> If ICU, ANGLE, etc. are not in the bin directory, they need to be in the PAT...
BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT(仅在 Windows 上可用) 关闭前四个参数仅是为了加快构建过程,并且是完全可选的。 禁用BUILD_SHARED_LIBS仅启用 OpenCV 库的静态(非共享)构建模式,而最后一个参数(在 Windows 上)有助于避免库文件不兼容。 现在,如果您使用第 1 章,“OpenCV 和 Qt 简介”中提供的相同说明开始构建过程,这...