【1】QTCreator调试,应用程序输出:unknown debugger type "No engine" 如图:下断点-》调试程序-》应用程序输出 说明:调试器无法正常使用。 注意:本地安装是QT5.9.2版本。网上看到,有的QT版本会直接弹出对话框提示,如下图: 其实,本质是同样的问题原因。 【2】查看QTCreator配置。主界面-》工具-》选项 如图:选项...
Before creating your first application using Qt Creator, you must configure the IDE to work with your platform and the Digi Embedded Yocto toolchain.Create a new device configurationFollow these steps to create a new device configuration:
(1)安装qtcreator-3.5.1 我们将qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.5.1.run安装包通过ssh传到Ubuntu的/opt目录里面,如下图所示: (2) 然后我们在 ubuntu 下打开终端, 切换为 root 用户, 我们使用命令“chmod 777 qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.5.1.run” 修改安装包权限。 如下图所示 (3) 接下来使用命令“./qt-op...
-- Could NOT find libbfd (missing: LIBBFD_LIBRARY LIBBFD_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find libdwarf (missing: LIBDWARF_LIBRARY LIBDWARF_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Found Backward: /home/dw/src/gammaray/GammaRay/3rdparty/backward-cpp -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.34.1") ...
Open in Qt Creator and build your application. Run it from the command line and inspect it withlddto make sure the correct libraries from the correct locations are getting loaded, aslinuxdeployqtwill uselddinternally to determine from where to copy libraries into the bundle. ...
使用工具:Qt5.12.0Qt Creator4.8.0 代码如下: QString openFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Please choose an image file", "", "Image Files(*.jpg *.png *.bmp *.pgm *.pbm);;All(*.*)"); qDebug() << openFile; QImage *img = new QImage; bool b = img->loa...
Open in Qt Creator and build your application. Run it from the command line and inspect it withlddto make sure the correct libraries from the correct locations are getting loaded, aslinuxdeployqtwill uselddinternally to determine from where to copy libraries into the bundle. ...
Open in Qt Creator and build your application. Run it from the command line and inspect it withlddto make sure the correct libraries from the correct locations are getting loaded, aslinuxdeployqtwill uselddinternally to determine from where to copy libraries into the bundle. ...
新手安装Qt之后第一次试运行,出现如下问题20:42:09: Could not determine which "make" command to run. Check the "make" step in the build configuration. Error while building/deploying project untitled (kit: Desktop Qt 5.11.1 MSVC2015 32bit) When executing step "qmake" 求大神帮帮我,赶着学Qt...