-prefix ... The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.(default %CD%) -extprefix ... The installation directory, as seen on the host machine.(default SYSROOT/PREFIX) -hostprefix [dir] .. The installation directory for build tools running onthe host machine. If [dir] is ...
-prefix ... The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.(default %CD%) -extprefix ... The installation directory, as seen on the host machine.(default SYSROOT/PREFIX) -hostprefix [dir] .. The installation directory for build tools running onthe host machine. If [dir] is ...
(2)用在qtbase编译出的qmake工具来配置(这个qmake会自动延用qtbase交叉编译时的配置),qmake工具位于-prefix参数指定的路径下的bin目录中: 编译安装的目录路径/bin/qamke (3)使用make -j12编译构建。 (4)使用make install安装。 完整编译构建Qt源码 完整编译Qt源码指的是在Qt源码路径下进行编译,使用configure对Qt进...
./configure -prefix 安装路径 -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -static -qt-xcb -no-opengl -nomake examples -nomake tests 1)-prefix 安装路径 指定make install的路径; 2)-debug-and-release 指定编译debug或release版本或都编译; 3)-opensource 是必须的,指定是开源; 4)-confirm-license...
configure -prefix $BUILDDIR \ #以开源形式发布 默认release shared发布 -opensource \ #小端字节序 -little-endian \ #指定嵌入式平台为ARM -embedded arm \ #指定交叉编译的平台 -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ \ #禁用网络模块 -no-webkit \ #生成的库不安装在安装目录,需自己指定 # -no-rpath \ #...
===全文是按照./configure -help来翻译的=== === Usage: configure[-h] [-prefix ] [-prefix-install] [-bindir ] [-libdir ] [-docdir ] [-headerdir ] [-plugindir ] [-datadir ] [-translationdir ] [-sysconfdir ] [-examplesdir ] [-demosdir ] [-buildkey <key>] 这些是基本...
./configure -release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop -qwebengine ``` - **编译与安装**:执行`make`命令开始编译过程,完成后使用`make install`进行安装。 **4. 解压即可使用** - 根据描述... 解决Qt源码编译报The OpenGL functionality tests failed Qt源码编译./configure -prefix $PWD/qt...
cd freetype-2.10.0./configure--prefix=/opt/Qt5.12.3/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/make cd./objs/.libs sudo cp libfreetype.so/opt/Qt5.12.3/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/lib sudo cp libfreetype.so.6/opt/Qt5.12.3/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/lib ...
===全文是按照./configure -help来翻译的=== === Usage: configure [-h] [-prefix ] [-prefix-install] [-bindir ] [-libdir ] [-docdir ] [-headerdir ] [-plugindir ] [-datadir ] [-translationdir ] [-sysconfdir ] [-examplesdir ] [-demosdir ] [-buildkey <key>] 这些是基本...
Usage: configure[-h] [-prefix ] [-prefix-install] [-bindir ] [-libdir ] [-docdir ] [-headerdir ] [-plugindir ] [-datadir ] [-translationdir ] [-sysconfdir ] [-examplesdir ] [-demosdir ] [-buildkey <key>] 这些是基本参数 [-release...