It's a CMake-based library, so it can be used as a submodule (see the example). But here are the steps to build it as a static library (for external use for example). Clone the repository:git clone ...
Qt-Code-Editor LicenseQt-Code-Editor Codeeditor mit NetzwerkfunktionCode Completion Syntax Highlighting File Browser Document Browser Network Data Sharing Network WorkChatting MDI Docks Current Line Highlighting Line Numbers Search & Replace Print (PDF) Recent Files Toolbar Settings Statusbar Adaptiv ...
基于Qt的CodeEditor 首先看最终效果: 主要要实现的地方是行号的显示,还有选中行的高亮。 项目结构 整个程序只有三个文件,最主要的只有一个CodeEditor类,它是继承自QPlainTextEdit,这个类相比于普通的TextEdit更适合于做富 文本编辑器。 头文件
Here is the code editor's class definition: classCodeEditor :publicQPlainTextEdit{ Q_OBJECTpublic: CodeEditor(QWidget*parent=nullptr);voidlineNumberAreaPaintEvent(QPaintEvent*event);intlineNumberAreaWidth();protected:voidresizeEvent(QResizeEvent*event) override;privateslots:voidupdateLineNumberAreaWidth(...
rtf-editor rtfparse xlslibC++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code. Official git repo. OfficeOperation对offile包括Excel和Word的相关的,版面设置,数据读写,格式设置,背景设置,等一系列的操作 fann-excel csv2xlscsv2xls (csv to xls) is a command line utility which converts csv files in...
MediaLibrary MediaPlayer MediaToolbox 金屬 MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage 網路 NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit QTKit IQTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutputDelegate IQTCaptureFileOutputDelegat...
Every chapter comes withcomplete, runnable code examples. Book Bundles Just this book —$19 If you know which library (PyQt vs. PySide) & versions (5 vs. 6) that you'll be using for your project & you don't need any other books. ...
VS Code 自动格式化代码 Qt QT快捷键 F1 查看帮助文档 Ctrl + N 新建项目 F2 或 Ctrl + 左键 跳转到定义处 Ctrl + B 构建项目 Shit + F2 声明和定义之间切换 Ctrl + R 运行项目 F4 切换头文件/源文件 F5 / Shift + F5 开始调试 / 停止调试 ESc 切换到编辑模式 F9 设置和取消断点 Ctrl + / 注释...
Invokes asynchrously the specified code on the main UI thread. (Inherited fromNSObject) Bind(NSString, NSObject, String, NSDictionary)(Inherited fromNSObject) Bind(String, NSObject, String, NSDictionary) Obsolete. (Inherited fromNSObject) ...
Generates a hash code for the current instance. (Inherited fromNSObject) GetMethodForSelector(Selector)(Inherited fromNSObject) GetNativeField(String) Obsolete. (Inherited fromNSObject) GetNativeHash()(Inherited fromNSObject) Init()(Inherited fromNSObject) ...