1、qtcreator 若使用cmake作为编译工具,则cmake默认使用的是ninja作为其generator,若要将ninja改成unix makefile作为cmake的generator,则在这里改: Tools > Options > Kits > Kit kits可以翻译为构建套件。 2、qtcreator里在cmake的时候打印传给cmake的-Dxxx 变量: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13074606/...
之前VS我们是写在CMakePresets.json里面的,其实这里也可以用 直接把CMakePresets.json复制过来, 把build目录删一下(因为CMakePresets.json里把generator默认改成了Ninja) 然后重新打开VSCode就好了 现在就和VS一样了,可以选x64 Release Static Runtime了 不过,现在你会发现,它不让你选编译器了,只能选在json里写的...
按照官方(INSTALL.md)的说法, 你需要一个 环境变量中包含了 cmake/ninja/编译器/Qt 的命令行 Open a terminal capable of building Qt applications. Make sure you have cmake, ninja, compiler, Qt, etc in PATH. Adapt the instructions to suit your cmake generator and operating system. 然后执行脚本:...
cmake是一个跨平台的构建工具,用于管理和构建软件项目。它可以帮助开发人员在不同的操作系统上生成可执行文件、库文件和其他构建产物。 cmake的主要优势包括: 1. 跨平台支持:cmake可以在多...
Qt is built with CMake, and a typicalconfigure && cmake --build .build process is used. If Ninja is installed, it is automatically chosen as CMake generator. Some relevant configure options (see configure -help): -releaseCompile and link Qt with debugging turned off. ...
点击运行按钮,程序自动构建和运行。这都要得益于 CMake 的项目管理功能。 下图是 CMake 的命令行和输出。可以看出,CLion 使用的 CMake,会先生成基于 ninja 的项目,然后再使用 ninja 构建。ninja 是一个简单的构建系统,这里作为一个中间工具使用,我们完全不用学习。
c:\Qt\Qt6.4.1_20>c:\QT\qt-everywhere-src-6.4.1\configure.bat -prefix c:\QT\Qt6.4.1_20 -debug -platform win32-icc -nomake examples -cmake-generator Ninja -c++std c++20 --disable-pch "MySQL_LIBRARY=c:/qt/mysql-8.0.28-winx64/lib/libmysql.lib" "MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR=c:/qt/mysql...
CMake: Make ninja 'sbom' work for top-level builds Browse files We need to pass all dirs where sboms will be generated, for external document referencing. We also need to set up dependencies between the repo sbom custom targets, so that qtsvg sbom is only run after qtbase sbom. We ...
If Ninja is installed, it is automatically chosen as CMake generator. Some relevant configure options (see configure -help): -releaseCompile and link Qt with debugging turned off. -debugCompile and link Qt with debugging turned on. Example for a release build: ...
<value type="QString" key="CMake.Initial.Parameters">-DCMAKE_GENERATOR:STRING=Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE:FILEPATH=%{BuildConfig:BuildDirectory:NativeFilePath}/.qtc/package-manager/auto-setup.cmake -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=%{Qt:qmakeExecuta...