1 选中项目 右键 ,出现如图选项。2 选择最后一个properties 3 选择 C/C++双击 ,general双击,会看到如下图片 4 在第一行点击以下,会出现一个下三角图标。5 点击下三角图标会出现下面的图片,选择Edit。6 选择Edit后会出现如图,点击第一个图标(图中圈出来的)。7 点击后会出现下面图。选择后面那个圈出来的。
Error:cannot open source file “QtWidgets/QMainWindow” 在QT类库搜索MainWindow文件,显示在QtGui文件夹内,修改为#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
Error4fatal error C1083: Cannot open sourcefile:'..\src\GeneratedFiles\Win32\Debug\moc_Qt_About.cpp': No suchfileor directory c1xx Error5fatal error C1083: Cannot open sourcefile:'..\src\GeneratedFiles\Win32\Debug\moc_Qt_MainForm.cpp': No suchfileor directory c1xx Error6fatal error C10...
在Windows上, CMake自然是生成Visual Studio工程文件了(新版Visual Studio貌似能直接倒入CMake工程了);...
calcSlot(); //新建文件 void createNewFile(); //打开文件 void openFileSlot()...
2012-08-30 22:05 −c1xx fatal error C1083 Cannot open source file src random cpp No such file or directory.txt 在VS2008 VC++项目中,新建了一个cpp文件,然后在物理硬盘上手动删除了,就出现如下错误。 ... _Smileヾ 2 7373 python2安装Flask-MySQLdb出现 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include fi...
I've noticed that on Mac Qt uses Framework to organize its headers, which uses Clang Module to search header path instead of the real path, that maybe the reason why cmake cannot find it. aymarino mentioned this issue Dec 22, 2022 cannot open source file "cblas.h" #1543 Open bobb...
setError(QtFileCopier::CannotOpenSourceFile); // cannot open source file return false; } if (!destFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { bool done = false; if (r.copyFlags & QtFileCopier::Force) { QFileInfo fid(r.dest); QDir dir = fid.dir(); if (!dir.remove(fid.fileName())) ...
voidrice::dateInit(){structrtc_timertc_tm_temp;dateFd=open(datePath.toUtf8().data(),O_RDONLY);if(dateFd==-1) {printf("Cannotopenfile(%s)",keyPath.toUtf8().data());return; }if(ioctl(dateFd,RTC_RD_TIME,&rtc_tm_temp)<0) ...
file.open(QFile::ReadOnly|QFile::Text)){ QMessageBox::warning(this,"Warning","Cannot open file : " + file.errorString()); return; } this->setWindowTitle(fileName); QTextStream in(&file); QString text = in.readAll(); this->ui->textEdit->setText(text); file.close(); } void...