4.运行效果如下: sublime部署Python报错“output not utf-8”解决方案 先下载安装Python,地址https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-363/ 这是报错信息 打开sublime,选择工具-编译系统-新编译系统...;encoding": "cp936" } 保存为python3.sublime-build 再点击工具-编译系统,选择保存的python3,在按ct...
如果开发的QML程序运行没显示,可以尝试下列解决方法: 1:把windeployqt打包后的目录移到程序的上一层目录里。(非必须) 2:如果是基于mingw的程序,记得把windeployqt打包的Qt5Core.dll文件替换为MinGW的bin目录里的同名文件。(必须) 程序运行起来界面: 更新时间2019年6月10日 17:09:57 主要更新一个可以查看软件依赖...
voidrice::dateInit(){structrtc_timertc_tm_temp;dateFd=open(datePath.toUtf8().data(),O_RDONLY);if(dateFd==-1) {printf("Cannotopenfile(%s)",keyPath.toUtf8().data());return; }if(ioctl(dateFd,RTC_RD_TIME,&rtc_tm_temp)<0) {printf("Getdatefailed");return; } ui->yearLineEdit-...
移植过程:error while loading shared libraries: libtest.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 推荐解决方法:修改动态库加载路径文件:sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf,然后执行sudo ldconfig命令,亲测有效! (注:也可以export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=【你的动态库路径】:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ,这种...
bindings. For example PyQt4's QFileDialog matches Qt4's return value of the selected. While all other bindings return the selected filename and the file filter the user used to select the file.Qt.QtCompat.QFileDialogensures that getOpenFileName(s) and getSaveFileName always return the tuple....
Info: creating stash file /home/tlx/qt/sw/Qt5.9.9src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9/.qmake.stash This is the Qt Open Source Edition. You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 ...
本仓库使用CI自动生成各平台的Release版本(目前只有X86_64版本,Arm环境需要自行编译),在项目的Release页面下载最新对应ROS版本的Release版本,理论上解压后即可使用。使用方法: 在终端进入解压后的文件夹路径,执行如下命令: sudo chmod a+x ./ros_qt5_gui_app ./ros_qt5_gui_app 如果Release版本下载后使用不了,...
Similarly, PyQt6 will have a fix in the upcoming 6.4.2 release. This will fix non-ASCII paths both at build-time and at frozen application's run-time. As mentioned in above comment, PySide2 and PyQt5 cannot be fixed due to encoding-related limitation in Qt5 itself. While we could ...
The'.mod' filecan be opened in the menu bar File -> Open 选中.mod文件后即可在工作区内打开 It can be opened in the workspace 下方的信息输出区也可导出为日志,在File->Export...->Log The information output area can also be exported as a log file. In File -> Export... ->Log ...
2、开发编译环境安装 QT自从5.15版本 都开启了在线安装,仅提供商业版本的离线安装,这里在官方下载安装即可,请务必使用开源版本! 开源下载首页 https://www.qt.io/download-open-source 按照流程安装 注册账号 登陆账号 选择自定义安装 组件下面保留Archive 再筛选 加选Qt5.15.2 ...