Exiting: error loading config file: open filebeat.yml: permission denied 使用docker 运行filebeat 出现的问题。 这个是因为你宿主机的目录权限与容器内部的filebeat文件权限不一致导致的。 docker logs filebeat 看一下 就是标题的错误。 不防先进去容器看一下(不映射,先跑起来) docker run --name filebeat -...
如果开发的QML程序运行没显示,可以尝试下列解决方法: 1:把windeployqt打包后的目录移到程序的上一层目录里。(非必须) 2:如果是基于mingw的程序,记得把windeployqt打包的Qt5Core.dll文件替换为MinGW的bin目录里的同名文件。(必须) 程序运行起来界面: 更新时间2019年6月10日 17:09:57 主要更新一个可以查看软件依赖...
编译qt4.8.7时..首先使用了交叉编译工具链编译了tslib结果如下:编译命令如下:./configure --host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/home/vmuser/qt4/
voidrice::dateInit(){structrtc_timertc_tm_temp;dateFd=open(datePath.toUtf8().data(),O_RDONLY);if(dateFd==-1) {printf("Cannotopenfile(%s)",keyPath.toUtf8().data());return; }if(ioctl(dateFd,RTC_RD_TIME,&rtc_tm_temp)<0) {printf("Getdatefailed");return; } ui->yearLineEdit-...
error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5: cannot open shared object 使用ldd命令可以查看程序所依赖的所有库:ldd analogclock === 2--尝试移植 QT 库到imx6ull === 在电脑上编译好的库移植到开发板里面去,并进行软链接 ln-slibQt5Widgets.so.5.11.3libQt5Widgets...
Open in Qt Creator and build your application. Run it from the command line and inspect it with ldd to make sure the correct libraries from the correct locations are getting loaded, as linuxdeployqt will use ldd internally to determine from where to copy libraries into the bundle. QMake conf...
{standard input}:30360: Warning: end of file not at end of a line; newline inserted {standard input}:30411: Error: no such instruction: `mo' {standard input}: Error: open CFI at the end of file; missing .cfi_endproc directive ...
Info: creating stash file /home/tlx/qt/sw/Qt5.9.9src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9/.qmake.stash This is the Qt Open Source Edition. You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 ...
1014 SQLite cannot open. (since 100.0.0) 1015 SQLite file locking protocol. (since 100.0.0) 1016 SQLite empty error. (since 100.0.0) 1017 SQLite schema changed. (since 100.0.0) 1018 SQLite string or data blob too large. (since 100.0.0) 1019 SQLite constraint violation. (since 100.0.0...
The'.mod' filecan be opened in the menu bar File -> Open 选中.mod文件后即可在工作区内打开 It can be opened in the workspace 下方的信息输出区也可导出为日志,在File->Export...->Log The information output area can also be exported as a log file. In File -> Export... ->Log ...