3. 选择 Build System 此处可选的有: CMake : qmake : Qbs : 此处先使用默认项.4. 设置主窗口的信息: class name 及 base class header file 及 source file 主窗口ui : mainwindow.ui5. 选择默认使用本地语言 此处选择了"简体中文", 后续可增加配置...
然后点击下一步,进入到构建系统。 第二步:Build System(构建系统) “build system”一栏是一个下拉框,可以选择qmake、CMake、Qbs。我们这里选择qmake,来帮助我们实现构建过程。然后点击下一步,进入到项目信息。 第三步:Details(项目信息) 这里是用来设置项目的主窗口信息的。 我们在 “Class Name” 一栏中,可以输...
Basically, the CMakeLists.txt file replaces the projectfile used by QMake. To build the project, create a build directory and run cmake and then make from there. The reason for creating a build directory is that CMake has been built with out-of-source building in mind from the very st...
When the KDE project shifted from Qt 3 to Qt 4 the project changed build tool from autotools to CMake. This has given CMake a special position in the Qt world &emdash; both from the number of users point and from a feature support and quality point. Seen from a workflow point of vi...
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-D QTRPC2_BUILD_LIB") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQTRPC2_BUILD_LIB) USE_QT_LIB(NETWORK) USE_QT_LIB(Network) SET(QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI true) SET(HEADERS ${HEADERS} authtoken.h returnvalue.h returnvalue_p.h clientmessagebus.h clientmessagebus_p.h clientprotocolbase.h @@ -...
创建qt 工程,选择Plain C Application,生成一个helloworld工程 创建路径为源码目录 build system选择qmake 中间还要选择版本控制系统,先选一个再说 创建完成后,会自动编译: 拷贝lvgl/lv_conf_template.h, lv_drivers/lv_drv_conf_template.h, lv_examples/lv_demo_conf_template.h 三个文件到工程目录,并且重命名为...
设置系统环境变量CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE为D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake 安装Visual Studio 2017/2022、CMake,安装2017的目的是提供给Qt MSVC 使用Vcpkg安装Boost、log4cplus、fmt来验证集成效果 vcpkg install boost:x86-windows boost:x64-windowsfmt:x86-windowsfmt:x64-windows log4cplus[core,unicod...
在工程build目录下执行 cmake..-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug|Release|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo 方法二: 或者在顶级CMakeList.txt里加入:set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug|Release|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo) 5. CMake高频常用变量 变量的引用方式是使用${},在IF中,不需要使用这种方式,直接使用变量名亦可 ...
Aka handle CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in a more relocatable way. The following story inspired this change. If a user wants to build a Qt repo into a different install prefix than the usual Qt one, this will fail configuration because we look for various things like syncqt, qdoc, etc relative ...