那么如何在android 手机上跑起来呢?步骤如下: 1、安装开发环境 qt creator ,如链接 QT5.10.0安装教程图文教程以及安装成功QT5.10.0后环境配置图文... 安装Qt for Android 安装Qt for Android 安装必备:sdk /ndk /ant /Qt 5.9.8 sdk中SDK Manager.exe双击进入 配置下载如图 配置环境变量 Qt5.9.8安装完成后...
For example, on Ubuntu the following command starts the Android SDK Manager, where you can select the packages to install: ./android update sdk Selecting the APK Build Tool On Android, applications are distributed in specially structured type of ZIP packages called APK. You can use either Ant ...
The installer gives installed/6.0.1/android_x86_64/bin/qmake: line 7: /home/qt/work/install/bin/qmake: No such file or directory when running android qmake. The Qt android installed from QtOnlineInstaller has this pointed to a gcc_64/bin/qmake, so it's possible that desktop version is ...
Install the Felgo SDK Update the Felgo SDK Update Guide What's New in this Release Older Releases Migrate to Felgo 4 Create a New Project Deploy to Devices Run on Android Run on iOS Run on Desktop Run on Embedded Run on Web Publish to App Stores Felgo QML Hot Reloa...
Building Qt applications for WebAssembly is similar to building Qt for other platforms. You need to install an SDK (Emscripten), install Qt (or build Qt from source), and finally, build the application. Some differences exist, for example, Qt for WebAssambly supports fewer modules and less ...
I've created a soft link to QZeroConfNsdManager.java from my java.srcDirs. Maybe I can just make a note on the readme to do the same. I also fixed two issues and haven't found a solution for a third. If another device unpublishes a service while the android device is sleeping, ...
cd C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\cmdline-tools\latest\bin sdkmanager.bat --sdk_root=C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk --install "extras;google;usb_driver" sdkmanager.bat --sdk_root=C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk --install "platform-tools" QT 6.3 supports...
For the Visual C++ compilers, call the.batfile that sets up the environment for the compiler (provided by the Windows SDK or the compiler): CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 set PATH=<path_to_qt>[qtbase]bin;<working_directory>\creator\...
下,可自行选择) 先授权chmod +x file 执行./qt-creator-opensource-linux-x86_64-4.4.1.run 可视化安装,点击操作 3、安装qt SDK(默认安装在opt下,可自行选择,需要记住选择的路径,后续需要用) 先授权chmod +x file 执行./qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.14.0.run 可视化安装,点击操作 4 QT for Android AVD...
\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk-bundle/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -fstack-protector-strong -DANDROID -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -fno-builtin-memmove -g -g -mthumb -Os -std=c++14 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden...