从以下网址选择对应的cmdline tools版本并覆盖 "sdk_tools_url": { "linux": "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-9123335_latest.zip", "linux_sha256": "0bebf59339eaa534f4217f8aa0972d14dc49e7207be225511073c661ae01da0a", "windows": "https://dl.google.com/androi...
×Android SDK Command-line Tools run. ×Android Platform-Tools installed.解决方案是,参考:Qt安装安卓环境报错!!!解决方案!折磨了两天终于解决了!!!_yy_xzz的博客-CSDN博客。解决后,如下图,就不报错了。不断点击下一步之后,就会看到如图所示的结果:3. 编写C++代码: ...
qmlfmt- command line application that formats QML files. QmlExplorer- A Qt QML running environment and examples explorer app. doxyqml- Doxyqml turns .qml into pseudo-C++ which Doxygen can then use to generate documentation. Qmljsify- Convert an NPM package into a QML friendly JavaScript file....
if [ -n "$CFG_HOST_QT_TOOLS_PATH" ]; then "$CFG_HOST_QT_TOOLS_PATH/qmake" -qtconf "$QTCONFFILE" "$relpathMangled" -- "$@" else "$outpath/bin/qmake" "$relpathMangled" -- "$@" fi } runCMake() { # recreate command line for cmake set -f ...
xmake -v configure { sh = E:\android-ndk-r21\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++ ndk = E:/android-ndk-r21 ndk_stdcxx = true host = windows sdk = C:/Users/76441/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk buildir = build ndk_toolchains_ver ...
在Android (21.3.6528147)中为QT5.12安装适当版本的Android。
'.ROR: Invalid command line parameter ' ./myautoconfigure.sh: 2: -opensource: not found ./myautoconfigure.sh: 3: -confirm-license: not found 那么原因是这个文件是 DOS 格式的,需要转换为 unix 格式。 vi myautoconfigure.sh 然后 set ff = unix (注意:这个问题在由windows 系统传向 linux 系统的...
Run the Qt for Android installer, accepting all installer defaults. In Qt Creator, click Tools > Options > Devices > Android and fill in the paths. Paths should be similar to the following: JDK Location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk<version> Android SDK Location: <staging folder>\adt-bundle...
sdk安装方式 常规思路,下载sdk,安装之后修改环境。...下载sdkmanager工具包 官网下载页最底部-命令行工具下载,找到Linux平台的工具包 使用wget下载到服务器 wget -P /home/android-sdk/ https://dl.google.com.../android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-7583922_latest.zip 解压工具包 unzip commandlinetools-...
sdk_root = $$(HOME)/Library/Android/sdk else: \ break() !exists($$sdk_root): \ sdk_root = break() } } isEmpty(sdk_root): \ qtConfFatalError("Cannot find Android SDK." \ "Please use -android-sdk option to specify one.") ndk_root = $$eval(config.input.andro...