6.Tools > Options > Devices > Android 配置Android SDK 和 NDK 装完后, 从主界面的DEMO中选了一个ImageViewer, 在Ubuntu上编译运行, 正常正确, 感觉一切来得如此简单. 开发Android问题 有两个条件不满足: Android NDK directory structure is correct Android NDK installed into a path without spaces NDK的...
In Qt 5.14.0 multi arch builds for Android is the new feature and many changes have been made in the process of building modules, plugins, ... for Android: Qt for Android better than ever before, For example all .so files are suffixed wi...
git clone https://code.qt.io/qt/qtopcua.git cd qtopcua git checkout 5.15.2 mkdir build cd build set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=c:\path\to\android-ndk-r17b set ANDROID_NDK_HOST=windows-x86_64 # Only set this if the windows-x86_64 Android NDK is used c:\Qt\5.12.0\android_armv7\bin\qm...