QST-FST comparisons with unbalanced half-sib designs. Mol. Ecol. Resour., http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12303 (Online 8 August).Gilbert, K. J., & Whitlock, M. C. (2015). Qst-Fst comparisons with unbalanced half-sib 819 designs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15(2), 262-267. ...
QST = ≠ FST 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: As studies of F ST and Q ST accumulate,more studies will better meet theseassumptions. Although sampling F ST andQ ST from separate populations is not ideal,studies are limited and if the correlationamong species means has any generality,their inclusion...
A key aim of evolutionary biology – inferring the action of natural selection on wild species – can be achieved by comparing neutral genetic differentiation between populations (FST) with quantitative genetic variation (QST). Each of the three possible outcomes of comparisons of QST and FST (QST...
The fact that QST and FST did not differ at the population scale, that is, within regions, but differed at the regional scale, for which local adaptation has been previously shown, implies that comparison of the level of subdivision in quantitative traits, as compared with molecular markers, ...
2013. QST -FST comparisons: Evolutionary and ecological insights from genomic heterogeneity. Nat. Rev. Genet. 14:179-190.Leinonen T, McCairns RJ, O'Hara RB, Merila¨ J. 2013. QST - FST compari- sons: evolutionary and ecological insights from genomic heterogeneity. Nature Reviews Genetics ...
Toro, 2007 The effect of dominance on the use of the Qst-Fst contrast to detect natural se- lection on quantitative traits. Genetics 176: 725-727.Lopez-Fanjul C., Fernandez A., and Toro M.A., 2007. The Effect of dom- inance on the use of the QST - FST contrast to detect natural...
Gilbert KJ, Whitlock MC (2014) QST-FST comparisons with unbalanced half-sib designs. Molecular Ecology, 15, 262-267.Gilbert, K. J., & Whitlock, M. C. (2015). Qst-Fst comparisons with unbalanced half-sib 819 designs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15(2), 262-267. 820 https://doi.org...
SourceCode_DamModelData from: QST FST comparisons with unbalanced half-sib designs.Gilbert, Kimberly JWhitlock, Michael CGilbert KJ, Whitlock MC (2014) Data from: QST FST comparisons with unbal- anced half-sib designs. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.rm574....
TypeI_ErrorTest_SireUnbalancedData from: QST FST comparisons with unbalanced half-sib designs.Gilbert, Kimberly JWhitlock, Michael CGilbert KJ, Whitlock MC (2014) Data from: QST FST comparisons with unbal- anced half-sib designs. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.rm574....
Lo´pez-Fanjul C, Ferna´ndez A, Toro MA (2007) The effect of dominance on the use of QST-FST contrast to detect natural selection on quantitative traits. Genetics 176(1):725-727Lopez-Fanjul C,Fernandez A,Toro MA.The Effect of Dominance on the Use of the QST - FST Contrast to...