Qt采用多线程刷新QGraphicsScene时,不断new造成内存泄漏 -> 将Scene声明移至头文件(.h)和(.cpp): -> 图像显示代码块修改如下:
QGraphcsView::setSceneRect() 只是设定scene在view里的位置信息。需要更新时view会调用update进行更新,你可以手动调用。
QQuickWindow::setSceneGraphBackend 函数用于为 Qt Quick 场景图请求特定的图形 API 后端。Qt Quick 使用场景图来表示需要渲染的内容,而这个函数允许开发者指定渲染这些内容时使用的图形 API。 setSceneGraphBackend 函数接受的参数类型及其含义 setSceneGraphBackend 函数接受两种类型的参数: QSGRendererInterface::Graphi...
GGNN-LSTM,using scene graph to generate captions 本代码是历时多半年的毕设研究。包含了图神经网络到序列学习的任务,目的是输入一个graph,输出对应的描述caption。 本项目基于encoder-decoder,graph neural network相当于encoder, lstm作decoder 模块包含 图神经网络、LSTM、attention 以及 整个数据预处理、数据生成、eva...
Understanding a visual scene requires not only identifying single objects in isolation but also inferring the relationships and interactions between object pairs. In this study, we propose a novel scene graph generation framework based on Transformer to convert image data into linguistic descriptions chara...
Scene Graph Generation (SGG) can extractsemantic relations between entities in images as graph representations. This task holds strong promises for other downstream tasks such as the embodied cognition of an autonomous agent. However, to power such applications, SGG needs to solve the gap of real-...
My example(调用opengl画一个箭头):---基于官方例子Scene Graph - OpenGL Under QML 自定义类的.h: #ifndef SELFDEFSUBITEM_H #define SELFDEFSUBITEM_H #include <QObject> #include <QQuickItem> #include <QtGui/QOpenGLFunctions> class MyRenderer : public QObject, protected QOpenGLFunctions ...
To address these issues, we propose a novel method of semantic-enhanced panoramic scene graph generation through hybrid and axial attentions (PSGAtten). Specifically, a series of hybrid attention networks are stacked within both the object context encoding and relationship context encoding modules, ...
As far as Scene Graph Generation (SGG), coarse and fine predicates mix in the dataset due to the crowd-sourced labeling, and the long-tail problem is also pronounced. Given this tricky situation, many existing SGG methods treat the predicates equally and learn the model under the supervision ...
We consider the problem of learning a representation of both spatial relations and dependencies between objects for indoor scene design. We propose a novel knowledge graph framework based on the entity-relation model for representation of facts in indoor scene design, and further develop a weakly-sup...