Ben Sowter, QS Senior Vice President, said: "This ranking features a record number of Asian universities. It reflects a flourishing and intensely competitive higher education ecosystem while providing insights for students and policymakers." 2025 2024 1 1 Peking University Mainland China 2 2 The...
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru and Delhi University have been ranked in the top ten best universities in the country according to a popular world ranking body. This is for the academic year ... ...
QS Rankings 2022: 5 IIT Delhi programmes in top 100 are Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, and chemical engineering.
150 India Asia New Delhi Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) 52.1 54.1 80.9 17.3 77.4 3.1 1.5 63.3 35.1 32.7 151 United Kingdom Europe Bath University of Bath 52.1 35.8 67.9 18.3 52 94.3 80 84.2 35.2 90.4 152 United States North America East Lansing Michigan State University 51.9 59...
Also Read |QS World University Rankings 2023: IIT Delhi achieves improved overall rank of 174 globally JGU has ranked with a focus solely on social sciences, arts and humanities, as per the QS World University Rankings 2023. Out of the 41 institutions which have been ranked from India...
100 of India’s best universities are featured in this year’s ranking, withIndian Institute of Technology Bombayonce again the best in the nation. This year’s top 20 is relatively static with only theIndian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT BBS)breaking into the group. ...
1 1 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 美国 咨询 2 6 帝国理工学院 Imperial College London 英国 咨询 3 3 牛津大学 University of Oxford 英国 咨询 4 4 哈佛大学 Harvard University 美国 咨询 5 2 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 英国 咨询 6 5 斯坦福大学 Stanford University 美...
=124Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)印度德里理工学院 (IITD)印度 =124University of Rome "Tor Vergata"罗马第二大学意大利 =126RWTH Aachen University亚琛工业大学德国 =126University of Copenhagen哥本哈根大学丹麦 =128Université Grenoble Alpes格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学法国 =128University of Leeds利兹大...
235 印度理工学院德里分校 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) 印度 236 戴尔豪斯大学 Dalhousie University 加拿大 237 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame 美国 238 米兰大学 University of Milano 意大利 239 迈阿密大学 University of Miami 美国 240 北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University 中国 241 东安...
Rank 251 - University of Delhi Rank =258 - Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) Rank =368 - Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) Rank 401-450 - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) Rank 451-500 - Banaras Hindu University ...