QS Best Student Cities ranking QS Best Student Cities ranking最佳学生城市排名显示了国际学生的最佳留学城市,这个排名是基于六个关键类别的指标范围评定的,它分别是大学排名,学生组合,理想程度,雇主评价,可承受力和学生评价。1 LondonUnited Kingdom 2 TokyoJapan 3 SeoulSouth Korea 4 MelbourneAustralia 5 Mun...
=199 早稻田大学 Japan 45.9 60.2 97.3 23.7 4.3 27.6 28.6 17.5 65.6 56.5 咨询 202 贝尔法斯特女王大学 United Kingdom 45.8 33.6 30.3 27.5 43.5 100 98.9 84.1 14.3 91 咨询 =203 沙特国王大学 Saudi Arabia 45.2 36.9 21.3 64.2 32.2 99.7 21.3 88.6 71.7 75.8 咨询 =203 渥太华大学 Canada 45.2 26.5 ...
US universities lead in 32 subjects, with Harvard ranking first in fourteen and MIT in eleven. British universities take the top spot in 15 subjects, with the University of Oxford leading in four, while Cambridge, UCL and the Royal College of Art lead in two each. In continental Europe,...
Now in its 12th year, the QS Best Student Cities rankings compare 150 study destinations in indicators important to international students – student feedback, university ranking, affordability, employment opportunities, and diversity. London is the world’s best student city for the sixth consecutive...
THE 同样也有各种各样的排名,包括 World Reputation Rankings, Young University Rangkings, Asian universities climb World Reputation Rankings, US College Rankings, Japan University Rankings 等等,同学们可以根据自己的留学需求慢慢探索。 ARWU (ShanghaiRanking's Academic Ranking of World Universities) 世界大学排名...
NA 丰田技术学院 Toyota Technological Institute in Japan NA 于韦斯屈莱大学 University of Jyväskylä NA 阿斯顿大学 Aston University 查看详情 测试我的申请成功率 NA 林茨大学 Johannes Kepler University Linz NA 田纳西大学 The University of Tennessee 查看详情 测试我的申请成功率 首页...
With 11 Indian institutions making it to the top 100 global list, Southern Asia holds 27% of the spots in this year’s ranking. Eastern Asia is the most represented subregion representing 50% of all ranked institutions: 17 institutions ranking in the top 20 and with the majority of institut...
Discover the world's top universities. Explore the QS World University Rankings® 2024, based on 6 key ranking indicators.
India is the most represented country, with 193 ranked universities, followed by Mainland China (135) and Japan (115). Ben Sowter, QS Senior Vice President, said: "This ranking features a record number of Asian universities. It reflects a flourishing and intensely competitive higher education eco...