Where are the world's best cities for international students? Find out with this ranking of the world's top student cities, spread across the globe. QS Business Masters Rankings The QS Business Masters Rankings assess the best postgraduate programs in finance, management, marketing, supply chain...
ARWU (ShanghaiRanking's Academic Ranking of World Universities) 世界大学排名 首先打开 ARWU 官网:ShanghaiRanking,点击 Rankings 下面的 Academic Ranking of World Universities; 这里直接显示的就是 ARWU 世界大学综合排名; 同样,如果想要查询某一国家的院校排名,就在如图所示位置选择那个国家,比如这里我们选择 Unit...
9月9日星期三,权威排名机构QS发布「2022年全球商科硕士排行榜」(2022 international ranking for Business Masters)。ESSEC商学院国际商务战略与管理硕士(SMIB)、数据科学与商业分析硕士(DSBA)、金融学硕士(MIF)、全球工商管理硕士(Global MBA)在今年的榜单中持续保持优异成绩。值得一提的是,市场营销管理和数字营销硕士...
“It is the first time that PHBS degree programs have been formally listed in an international ranking system,” remarked PHBS Associate Dean Young Joon Park, regarding it as a significant achievement for the school’s future...
On Wednesday, September 23rd, QS published its 2021 international ranking for Business Masters. It honored the Master in Strategy and Management of International Business (Master SMIB), the…
Bachelor of Economics in International Economics and Trade GPA: 3.81/5Average Score: 88.1/100 Ranking No. 1 among 49 students 录取:香港理工大学 MSc Global Supply Chain Management (12.9 offer,入读) 香港理工大学 MSc Business Management (2.3 offer) ...
ARWU官网(ShanghaiRanking)首页点击“Rankings”下的“Academic Ranking of World Universities”,直接查看综合排名。通过“Country/Region”输入国家,如“United Kingdom”,筛选出该国大学排名。Total Score右侧选项包括Alumni、Award、HiCi、N&S、PUB、PCP等,表示校友、奖项、影响力、国际合作、出版物、...
A. The number of international students studying at the university B. The university's academic reputation C. Its performance in new categories including employment outcomes, international research, and sustainability D. Its ranking in other major global ranking systems...
516 556 英迪国际大学 INTI International University 马来西亚 咨询 516 520 庆北国立大学 Kyungpook National University 韩国 咨询 516 526 萨班哲大学 Sabanci University 土耳其 咨询 516 523 赫尔大学 University of Hull 英国 咨询 516 473 乌拉尔联邦大学 - UrFU Ural Federal University - UrFU 俄罗斯 咨询 523...
悉尼麦考瑞大学以其杰出的全球综合排名(QS 2024世界第130位)和商学院澳洲第2、全球第88的成就(CEO World Magazine 2023),在教育界占据了崇高的地位。其商学课程,特别是市场营销、管理学、金融和商业分析,在QS Business Master Ranking 2023中澳洲排名领先,展示了其在这些领域的顶尖教学质量和研究实力。