As well as this broad subject area ranking, rankings are also available which show the top universities in the world for the following individual Engineering & Technology subjects: Computer Science & Information Systems Chemical Engineering Civil & Structural Engineering ...
近日,国际高等教育研究机构QS Quacquarelli Symonds发布了2024年QS世界大学学科排名。 本次排名对超过16400个独立大学课程进行了独立比较分析,这些课程来自世界95个国家和地区超过1500所大学,涵盖55个学科,分为五大学术领域: 人文与艺术 ——Arts & Humanities 工程与技术 ——Engineering & Technology 生命科学与医学——...
Social sciences and management Each of these subject areas represent the overall ranking of universities in the degree programmes they offer in this area. For example, the engineering and technology area represents degrees inpetroleum,mineral,civil,mechanicalandelectrical engineering, as well ascomputer s...
第641位 新泽西理工大学New Jersey Institute of Technology 第641位 巴基斯坦工程与应用科学研究所Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) 第641位 新学院大学The New School 第641位 温莎大学University of Windsor qs2024世界大学排名651-660 第651位 伊斯兰堡大学COMSATS University Islamabad ...
This article discusses social sustainability, focusing on how universities contribute to creating a fairer, more inclusive world through their commitment to equality, diversity, and societal well-being. It also highlights how students can make use of the QS Sustainability Rankings to make an informe...
Engineering and Technology 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2. Stanford University 3. University of Cambridge 4. University of Oxford 5. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 6. Imperial College London 7.ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ...
工程和技术类(Engineering and Technology) 在这个学科门类中,马德里理工大学位于第58位,加泰罗尼亚理工大学60位,巴塞罗那大学118位。 (图源 03 生命科学和医药类(Life Sciences & Medicine) 在该领域中,西班牙只有一所大学跻身前100,不过成绩还不错——巴塞罗那大学,排在了47位,巴塞罗那自治大学...
你可以选择任意选项来查看学校的评分,这里我们选择 Q1,还是一样,学校的排序给出的仍然是 Mechanical Engineering 的学科排名顺序,并非根据 Q1 打分重新给出的排序; 除了Academic Ranking of World Universities 和 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects,软科(ARWU)还有 Global Ranking of Sport Science Schools and Depart...
QS Ranking 将大学专业分为5个大类,分别为: Arts and Humanities - 艺术与人文 Engineering and Technology - 工程与技术 Life Sciences & Medical -生命科学与医学 Natural Sciences - 自然学科 Social Sciences and Management - 社会学与管理学 我们分别来看看意大利综合类大学的表现: ...
Imperial, which specializes in business, engineering, medicine, and science, improved largely because of its environmental work and now sits behind the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which has been in first place for 13 consecutiv...