本文将结合TRIPOD报告规范依从性标准,以《开发和验证估计未来心血管疾病风险的QRISK3风险预测算法:前瞻性队列研究》 (Development and validation of QRISK3 risk prediction algorithms to estimate future risk of cardiovascular disease: prospective cohort study)[6]为例,采用例解的形式逐一对照及解读TRIPOD报告规范各...
QRISK®3includesmorefactorsthanQRISK®2tohelpenabledoctorstoidentifythose atmostriskofheartdiseaseandstroke. QRISK®3比QRISK®2包括更多的因素,使医生能识别处于最多心脏病和脑卒中风 险的那些人。 Theseare 这些因素是 Chronickidneydisease,whichnowincludesstage3CKD ...
英国医生和学者开发了最新心血管病风险计算器QRISK®3-2018.doc,英国医生和学者开发了最新心血管病风险计算器QRISK?3-2018 明天会更好 Welcome to the QRISK?3-2018 Web Calculator. The QRISK?3 algorithm calculates a persons risk of developing a heart attack or st
QRISK3 and SCORE2 were calculated. The relationship between these scores and the presence of carotid plaques was analysed by treating the scores as continuous and categorical variables, as well as separately and in combination. Logistic regression and area under the receiver operating characteristic ...
10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk scores are calculated using algorithms, including Framingham (worldwide) and QRISK2 (UK). Recently, an updated QRISK3 model was introduced, which considers new variables including SLE and steroid prescription, not included in QRISK2 and Framingham algorithms...
Development and validation of QRISK3 risk prediction algorithms to estimate future risk of cardiovascular disease: prospective cohort study. Brit Med J 2017; 357: j2099.Julia Hippisley-Cox, Coupland C, Brindle P. Development and validation of QRISK3 risk prediction algorithms to estimate future ...
第七章-元宝去哪儿了(1/3) 投推荐票上一章←章节目录→下一页加入书签 每日推荐:夜半适合谈个恋爱 , 洪荒之时空之主 , 穿越成皇储 , 祺祥冬宝 , 痴情绝爱:冷情影帝爱上我 , 联盟:我有五个随机技能 , 八零:真千金回归后,宠冠京城! , 缱绻 , 综穿紫宸 , 一眼着迷 ...