The article discusses the QRISK2 cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculator. It elaborates on several CVD risk factors, including poor diet, excessive alcohol intake, and extreme obesity. It also informs that the QRISK2 algorithm is widely used to provide estimates of CVD risk as part of ...
Can I use the QRISK?2 calculator? 我生活在英国并且来自黑人或族群。我能使用QRISK?计算器吗? Yes you can use QRISK?2 calculator which includes self-assigned ethnicity. 对,你能使用QRISK?计算器,包括自定种族。 Why does the score need a postcode? 为什么评分需要邮编? Cardiovascular risk varies ...
Evaluation of drug utilization pattern of antidiabetic drugs and 10-year cardiovascular risk in new and recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patient... Ten-year cardiovascular risk was determined using the QRISK3 risk calculator. Result: A total of 90 patients, 48 (53.33%) new and 42 (...
WelcometotheQRISK®3-2018WebCalculator.TheQRISK®3algorithmcalculatesa person'sriskofdevelopingaheartattackorstrokeoverthenext10years.Itpresents theaverageriskofpeoplewiththesameriskfactorsasthoseenteredforthatperson 欢迎来到QRISK®3-2018网络计算器。QRISK®3算法计算一个人在接下来的10年 ...