Liest qRFC-LUWs aus der Ausgangsqueue im lokalen oder entfernten SAP-System. Wenn Sie den ParameterSINGLE_PROCESSINGverwenden, so schickt der qRFC-Manager einen Fehlercode und eine Fehlermeldung an den Aufrufenden, wenn während der Verarbeitung einer LUW eine System- oder Anwendungsausnahme auftrat...
<SAP:Code area="INTERNAL">QRFC_SYSTEM_DUMP</SAP:Code> <SAP:AdditionalText /> <SAP:Stack>A short dump occurred while executing a message in qRFC queue Runtime Error: Time limit exceeded. Please suggest a better way to avoid this dump. Thanks!!Know the answer? Help others by sharing ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi EricZhao, 1) I am not sure if you have a "COMMIT WORK" after the RFC call, if not please do so. 2) If after adding the "COMMIT WORK" you don't see the changes in the target system, go to Tcode SM58 and check if you have a log here...
We will now describe known solutions. If there is no solution for the problem that you are experiencing in your system, open a message under the component of the affected SAP product (CRM, SRM, and so on). If you know the affected application within the SAP product, then specify the mes...