This application has failed to start because QRCoder.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. QRCoder.dll Not Found. File information is supported by Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in...
QRCoder 是一个支持 .NET Core 的用于生成二维码的开源库,在一个 .NET Core 项目中使用时,在 Windows 上可以正常生成二维码,发布到Linux Ubuntu服务器上运行时出现下面的错误: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.DrawingCore.GDIPlus' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNot...
hobinly 1 1767 Unable to load dynamic library '' on Centos 6.8 useing php7.3 2019-12-11 15:30 −背景: Centos6.8服务器升级php版本,从7.1升级到7.3,常用扩展都安装完成之后,报:Class 'ZipArchive' not found。一看就是zip扩展没有,需要手动安装了。 中间一步步,一会说autoconf版本过低,一会说...
如果在使用中遇到:System.DIINotFoundException: 无法动载DLL PaddleOCR.dll找不到指定的模块。 需要将下面这些dll(文件在开源作者PaddleOCRSharp\PaddleOCRLib文件夹里面)复制到debug文件夹中: libiomp5md.dll mkldnn.dll mklml.dll opencv_world470.dll paddle_inference.dll PaddleOCR.dll...
import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt...
在linux环境中发布时,生成的二维码会出错,出错提示 fail:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware[1]An unhandled exception has occurredwhileexecuting the request.System.TypeInitializationException:Thetypeinitializerfor'Gdip' threw an exception.--->System.DllNotFoundException:Unable to load...
PM> Install-Package QRCoder The feed contains onlymajor/stablereleases. If you want the latest functions and features, you can use the CI buildsvia Github packages.(More information on how to use Github Packages in Nuget Package Manager can befound here.) ...
Attempt to build solution. Compiler error: The type or namespace name 'Base64QRCode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Your Environment TargetOS of Web App: None. By explicitly setting this to Windows, the compiler error is fixed, but this ...
我们打开一个MemoryStream并把我们的QR /图片放进去。在它们后面的功能中,我们想要阅读一个“”。它...