Change the shortcut name:Tap the name of the shortcut in the top right corner. The name is beside the button "< Shortcuts". Tap "Rename" in the menu. Change the name such as "Create QR Code" That’s it. The new Shortcut is saved to your Shortcuts library. The QR code that is...
update description Nov 12, 2023 DESCRIPTION test qrcodes using opencv Nov 12, 2023 setup CI inspired by the inbo/checklist package Jun 27, 2021 NAMESPACE remove legacy functions Nov 12, 2023 improve documentation Nov 12, 2023 ...
CIQRCodeDescriptor(NSObjectFlag) 在派生类上调用 的构造函数,以跳过初始化并仅分配 对象。 属性 展开表 Class CIBarcodeDescriptor QR 码的 。 (继承自 NSObject) ClassHandle 此类的句柄。 DebugDescription 此对象的开发人员有意义的说明。 (继承自 NSObject) Description 对象的说明,即 ToString 的 ...
import QrCodeWithLogo from 'qrcode-with-logos' let qrcode = new QrCodeWithLogo({ // canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"), content: '', width: 380, // download: true, image: document.getElementById('image'), logo: { src: 'https://avatars1.github...
watermarkBackground image of QRCode Result: UseEFQRCode.generateGIFto create GIF QRCode. ParameterDescription generatorREQUIRED, anEFQRCodeGeneratorinstance with other settings dataREQUIRED, encoded input GIF delayOutput QRCode GIF delay, emitted means no change ...
Description 1 Off Off The ONT is prohibited by the upper-layer device or blinks abnormally. Contact the service provider for help. 2 Blinks twice a second Blinks twice a second 3 Blinks twice a second Off The ONT attempts to set up a connection with its upper-layer device....
The QR code display page consists of the following elements: title bar, QR code display area, lead-in description, and buttons. Full-screen layout Pop-up box layout 1. Title bar: Place minor operations on the icon area on the right of the title bar. 2. QR code display area: The user...
Click the Set Public QR Code Parameters tab. Enable Public QR Code and set public QR code parameters. Parameter Value Description Public QR Code Enable - URL prefix in the link Use an IP address but not a domain name to specify the URL prefix. The URL prefix...
What are the advantages of converting a PDF to a QR code? If you choose to direct people who scan your QR code to a mobile-friendly page first, you can provide them with additional information such as your website, your company name, a document description, portfolio images, a YouTube ...
We combine Canny edge detection with contours finding algorithms to erase noises and reduce computation and utilize two tangents to approximate the right-bottom point. Then, we give a detail description on how to use inverse perspective transformation in rebuilding a QR-code image from a distorted...