登录My Sign-Ins | Security Info | Microsoft.com,添加登录方法 > 验证器应用 > 添加 > 下一步 > 下一步,然后扫描显示的二维码即可
微软账号双重验证Tips.最近遇到了两位客户小伙伴的困扰😣,都是关于Microsoft authenticator不能用,导致二次验证过不了的问题。没有设置其他验证方式,又无法重新在Microsoft authenticator app中添加工作账号,因为添加的时候需要扫描QR码,而QR码需要成功登录到账号管理页面才可以显示出来,真的是让人头疼!😩 为了避免这种...
1 首先打开手机上的【Authenticator】软件 2 进入到主页面后点击右下角的【已验证ID】按钮 3 接着在弹出的页面中点击【扫描QR码】按钮 4 最后就会自动弹出相机进行扫描即可 注意事项 个人经验,仅供参考
请问Microsoft Authenticator添加工作账号的qr码在哪里看? 一个人qwerdf 默默无闻 1 https://blog.51cto.com/scnbwy/2341340 一个人qwerdf 默默无闻 1 楼被吞了没? 贴吧用户_58V4PV4 默默无闻 1 楼主,他说的第一步登录office365现在都登不上去,怎么进行后面的操作? 九罗 崭露头角 2 微软个人账户...
A: A scan QR code for Microsoft Authenticator is a quick and secure way to log into an online account. It’s like signing in with a username and password, except you use a special code that you scan with your phone or tablet. You can set up Microsoft Authenticator to generate this cod...
Now, you can select the option of Set up the Authenticator app. A new window will open with a QR code that you can use to configure the app on your new mobile phone device. However, if you are not able to log in to your Microsoft account via Google Chrome or any other browser, th...
To add an account to Microsoft Authenticator without a QR code, you can follow these steps: 打开Microsoft Authenticator应用: 首先,确保你已经下载并安装了Microsoft Authenticator应用。然后,打开该应用。 选择“添加帐户”选项: 在Microsoft Authenticator应用的主界面,找到并点击“添加帐户”按钮。这个按钮通常会清...
Hello, I have a number of users who are stuck in an authenticator loop. They have somehow deleted the MS account out of their Authenticator app, or have a new phone where the old phone is unservicable and when trying to get a QR code on the web to…
I am trying to set up the authenticator app for my work account on my mobile and the two step verification is asking for a QR code which is not displaying my laptop Microsoft Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-...