不是过期, 而是说该二维码超出每月扫描次数上限了,就是每个月被扫描次数有个上限,超过了就暂时无效,得等下个月。
Limit the number of codes. Younger kids with unsteady hands will struggle trying to hold a device precisely over just one code, and the device may pick up nearby codes if you have crowded too many together. Test the code.We mentioned that QR codes will keep your students from stumbling int...
Create custom QR Codes with Logo, Color and Design for free. This QR Code Maker offers free vector formats for best print quality.'
Plain Text QR Code generator offers a simple way to use QR Codes to display alphanumeric characters and even emojis. Create for free now!
URL: https://api.weibo.com/2/eps/qrcode/create?access_token=TOKEN POST数据例子:{"action_name":"QR_LIMIT_SCENE","action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": 123}}} 参数详情: 必选类型及范围说明 sourcefalsestring采用OAuth授权方式不需要此参数,其他授权方式为必填参数,数值为应用的AppKey。
Perhaps you want to share confidential information or simply limit the number of users who can have access to the data. In this case, it’s worth creating a QR code online and setting a password to protect your content. In this article, we will look at what a password-protected QR ...
Limit support to either of Camera or File based scan. Change default scan type.How to use:function onScanSuccess(decodedText, decodedResult) { // handle the scanned code as you like, for example: console.log(`Code matched = ${decodedText}`, decodedResult); } let config = { fps: 10,...
Will my QR code ever expire? No. QR codes never expire. The only time your code might ‘expire’ is when the destination URL is changed or deleted. Downloaded QR codes are static images and it is not possible for them to change once downloaded. Is there a scan limit for QR codes?
The worst side of using low-quality free QR code generators, you can't know your QR code's expiration date. Also, you can have a limited number of scans for your QR code. Namely, when the limit is reached, users become unable to scan. Here are 2 tips for you: Make sure that ...