Steam支持QR Code快速登录 不必输入电邮验证码 Steam于日前将其手机应用程序“Steam Mobile”大更新,包括加入了QR code快捷登录、远程下载游戏等等。Steam也在其聊天应用程序中推出错误修正,令用户在使用Steam应用程序时可以比以前更便利。在更新以后,用户除了可以在“Steam Mobile”内直接使用手机扫QR Code登录计算机Ste...
2) Download a custom QR reader. There are literally hundreds to choose from, most work fine, but a few are not so good. The free QR reader app I used personally to test the game (on an iPhone) is called "Qrafter: QR Code reader". I found it an excellent reader, but it will sho...
购买QR Code Killer ¥ 15.00 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 Interrogate and investigate with a dialogue system built around real world detective techniques, experience the grit and character of New York City and delve deep into a mystery that harnesses the power of Augmented Reality. The fresh-faced...
// src/qr-code.controller.tsimport{Controller,Get,Query}from'@nestjs/common';import{QrCodeService}from'./qr-code.service'; @Controller('qr-code')exportclassQrCodeController{constructor(private readonly qrCodeService: QrCodeService) {} @Get()asyncgenerateQrCode(@Query('data') data: string) ...
Valve has put up a fresh Steam Deck Client Beta with numerous fixes, along with new features like the QR code login you can use with the mobile app.
Steam mobile app security New Steam mobile app to use QR code login10/17/2022 Jorge Gonzalez Valve has released redesigned options compatible with both Android- and iOS-based devices. Valve has announced the newly redesigned version of its Steam app for both Android and iOS featuring a QR ...
New Steam mobile app to use QR code login 10/17/2022 Jorge Gonzalez Valve has released redesigned options compatible with both Android- and iOS-based devices. Valve has announced the newly redesigned version of its Steam app for both Android and iOS featuring a QR code login. The goal is...
cd qr-code-generator-api 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第2 步:安装qrcode.js 接下来,安装该 qrcode.js 软件包,这将使小编能够生成二维码。在项目目录中运行以下命令: npm install qrcode 1. 第3 步:生成二维码 现在小编已经设置了 NestJS 和qrcode.js,让小编创建一个 QR 码生成service。在 NestJS 中,service...
首先,创建一个在 src 文件夹中命名 qr-code.service.ts 的新文件,并添加以下代码: // src/qr-code.service.tsimport{Injectable}from'@nestjs/common';import*asqrcodefrom'qrcode'; @Injectable()exportclassQrCodeService{asyncgenerateQrCode(data: string):Promise<string> {try{constqrCodeDataURL =await...
Add a QR code to a job posting to assist with recruitment. This method allows job seekers to fill out a form and apply for the job directly from their phone. Add a QR code during a contest or sweepstakes. By adding a QR code to flyers or posters around a building or to the bottom...