i) QR Code Scanner This simple app, QR Code Scanner, allows you to create and scan QR codes. You can also use your webcam to scan or import an image file. Note: You might need to reduce the brightness if scanning from a different display (like a smartphone) for the app to scan th...
如果你认为此加载项违反了Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 提供电子邮件地址 包括你的电子邮件地址,即表示你同意 Microsoft 可以就你的反馈向你发送电子邮件。Microsoft 隐私声明 输入你看到的字符。你也可以选择音频质询。 新|视觉 提交
These software let you generate QR codes as PNG, JPG, or another image format supported by them. Some of these require an internet connection as these QR code generator tools fetch data from the server. Once the QR Code is generated, you can use your smartphone scanner or some otherbarcode...
QR Code Scanner is a simple app that allows you to scan and generate QR Codes. Scan using your webcam or read in an image file. Usage notes: - If scanning from another display (such as a smartphone), you may need to adjust the brightness down for t
QrCodeScanner是一款二维码扫描器,用来在电脑上通过截图、摄像头来识别二维码,最低支持 Windows 7 系统。@Appinn 来自发现频道,开发者 @Hikari 自荐:https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/24693 不用拿起手机,在电脑上识别二维码! 简介只有几个字:极速、高识别率!
QrCodeScanner扫描是一款非常不错的电脑端二维码扫描工具,让你能够直接使用电脑对二维码内容进行扫描,不再需要使用手机扫描,能够更加快捷的访问二维码内容,有需要的用户不要错过了,欢迎下载使用! 软件介绍 简易二维码扫描器 C# WPF原生开发,在电脑上识别二维码。
3. Browser-Based QR Code Scanner 4QRCodeis a browser-based online tool for QR code scanning. Navigate to its home page, and tap onNo file selectedto upload a file from your computer. Select the image that contains a QR code that you have saved to your PC. ...
https://github.com/yushulx/Qt-QML-QR-code-scannerIN THIS BLOG POST PrerequisitesSetting Up the Qt6 Environment for Windows and AndroidBuilding a Multiple Barcode and QR Code Scanner for Windows and Android Using Qt QML and C++Running the Qt6 Barcode and QR Code Scanner on Windows and Android...
目前,我们的 扩展程序仅读取您所在网页的第一个QR码。 免责声明:请注意,此扩展名不是由Microsoft而是由独立的开发团队进行的。所有版权属于其各自所有者。 Microsoft不认可或赞助此扩展。 Microsoft Edge™的此扩展QR Code阅读器不归Microsoft Inc.所有,未经Microsoft许可,也不是Microsoft Inc.的子公司。
Steps to Develop Windows Desktop Barcode and QR Code Scanner in .NET 6Let’s build the application from scratch.Step 1: Create Windows Forms App:We can quickly create a new project and install dependencies via the following commands in terminal:dotnet new winforms -o desktop-barcode-qrcode-...