最近在使用flutter打包安卓apk的时候发现有错误,发现是使用了qr_code_scanner实现扫码的错误。 仔细阅读报错信息发现有这行错误:flutter Names...
一、引入qr_code_scanner: ^0.7.0出现的问题 1.在flutter项目中的pubspec.yaml引入qr_code_scanner: ^0.7.0后,编译项目,fluter项目中出现的问题如下: Launching lib/main.dart on 王淑宁的iPhone in debug mode... Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode pro...
Pause camera stream and scanner. controller.pause(); Resume camera stream and scanner. controller.resume(); TODO'S: iOS Native embedding is written to match what is supported in the framework as of the date of publication of this package. It needs to be improved as the framework support imp...
QR Code Scanner A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and Android by natively embedding the platform view within Flutter. The integration with Flutter is seamless, much better than jumping into a native Activity or a ViewController to perform the scan. ...
(Foreign Function Interface) and the zxing-cpp library, enabling seamless barcode scanning and generation integration into your Flutter applications. Using this Flutter package, you can build intriguing, efficient Flutter QR code scanner app or a Flutter barcode scanner app with ease, catering to the...
QR Code Scanner A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and Android by natively embedding the platform view within Flutter. The integration with Flutter is seamless, much better than jumping into a native Activity or a ViewController to perform the scan. ...
decode qrcode from image path by Scan.parse. prepare ios info.list <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>Your Description</string> <key>io.flutter.embedded_views_preview</key> <string>YES</string> android <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <application> <meta...
The Runner/AppDelegate.swift file serves as the entry point of the Flutter application. By default, it contains the following boilerplate code:override func application( _ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? ) -> Bool { ...
Implementing Flutter QR Code Scanner with Swift and AVFoundation for iOS May 06, 2024 Flutter In the previous article, we implemented a Flutter barcode and QR code scanner for Android using Kotlin and CameraX. Since the Dart code is platform-independent, no changes are necessary. In this...
A Flutter tutorial on barcode and QR code scanning, from UX and performance to integrating the Scandit Flutter Barcode Scanner SDK.