import qrcode as qr win = tk.Tk() win.title("QR Code Generator") win.geometry("600x600") win.configure(background = "grey") def get_data(): data = inputdata.get() print('Data = "', data, '"') img_data = qr.make(data)'yourCreatedQR.png') show_qr_code()...
f = open("8-bit.png",mode="rb") qrcode_seq = segno.make_sequence(, symbol_count=2) 读取QR码 可以使用基于Dynamsoft Barcode Reader的网页版QR码扫描应用来读取我们在本文中生成的QR码。 源代码 获取源代码来自己试用一下吧:上...
Check out the source code to have a try: THIS BLOG POST Generate QR Codes in Different ModesRead the QR CodesSource Code POPULAR TOPICS Mobile Barcode Scanner Web Barcode Scanner Scanning Documents in Web Flutter Barcode Scanner Barcode Scan...
pipinstallqrcode[pil] 1. 此命令将在你的 Python 环境中安装qrcode和相关的图像处理库Pillow。 基本用法 安装完成后,我们可以使用qrcode库来生成二维码。以下是一个简单的示例代码,展示了如何生成一个包含 URL 的二维码: importqrcode# 创建 QRCode 对象qr=qrcode.QRCode(version=1,# 控制二维码的大小,1 表示...
qrcode 下载地址: qrcode · PyPI QR Code image generator 使用简介: importqrcode qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=5, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data('
shukur-alom / QR-code-Generator Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests This code is able to convert your data as QR code python code qrcode python3 qr qrcode-generator pythonqrcode Updated Oct 6, 2023 Python WatashiwaSid / python-qr-code Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests A GUI prog...
QRCodeGenerator+create_basic_qr(data: str)+add_logo(qr_img_path: str, logo_img_path: str, output_path: str, logo_size_ratio: float)Image+open(path: str)+resize(size: tuple)+paste(logo_img: Image, position: tuple, mask: Image)+save(path: str) ...
【Amazing-QR:Python二维码生成器,可生成普通二维码、带图片的艺术二维码(黑白与彩色)、动态二维码(黑白与彩色)】’Amazing-QR - amazing QRCode generator in Python (supporting animated gif)' by x.hw GitHu...
Pure Python QR Code generator No dependencies A lot ofserialization formats(SVG, PNG, EPS, PDF, ...) Fastest (pure Python) QR Code encoder Micro QR Codes Structured Append mode Hanzi mode Command line interface Simple, user-friendly API ...
logo QRcode 1 1 1 1 彩色二维码/图片二维码 1