All-in-One QR Code Scanner, 2FA, and Password App No more forgotten passwords! Download the 3-in1 app for scanning QR codes, managing 2FA, and passwords—FREE! The Ultimate QR Code, 2FA, and Password App FEATURES 1: Scan and Create QR Codes - Effortlessly scan QR codes - Approve web...
All-in-One QR Code Scanner, 2FA, and Password App No more forgotten passwords! Download the 3-in1 app for scanning QR codes, managing 2FA, and passwords—FREE! The Ultimate QR Code, 2FA, and Password App FEATURES 1: Scan and Create QR Codes - Effortlessly scan QR codes - Approve web...
python windows macos linux commandline network qrcode wifi python3 wifi-network Updated Dec 26, 2022 Python scito / extract_otp_secrets Star 1.2k Code Issues Pull requests Extract one time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes exported by two-factor authentication (2FA) apps such as "Go... QrCode.Net
Create QR CodeOperation ID: Create Creates an QR code Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Data data True string The text to store within the QR code Size size string Specifies the size of the QR code image you want to generate (in px for raster graphic formats like png, ...
Create QR CodeOperation ID: Create Creates an QR code Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Data data True string The text to store within the QR code Size size string Specifies the size of the QR code image you want to generate (in px for raster graphic formats like ...
Steps to reproduce enable 2FA try to login wih a user that has never logged in before the QR code is invalid and there is no TOTP secret Server configuration Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 Web server: nextcloud docker wth Nginx Proxy Man...
Create QR CodeOperation ID: Create Creates an QR code Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Data data True string The text to store within the QR code Size size string Specifies the size of the QR code image you want to generate (in px for raster graphic formats like png, ...
短信验证码不再安全,Google Gmail改用QR code提升安全性 使用SMS短信验证码来进行身份验证并非理想的安全措施早已不是秘密。就如同科技产业正在逐步从传统密码转向更安全的生物识别Passkeys,过去几年来,验证码应用程序(Authenticator Apps),甚至无需应用程序的双重验证(2FA)方式,已逐渐成为主流。然而相较于完全没...
DuitNow QR payment requires no registration or fees. A 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required for all Person-to-Person transfers and is only required for merchant payments above RM250. Instant and hassle-free Get quick access to the DuitNow QR login page where payments can be made by sca...