QR659 班達拉奈克 (CMB) - 哈馬德 (DOH)卡達航空 QR 659 Qatar Airways 航班狀態:登陸 出發 到達 16小時前 11小時前 03:17 05:43 11月18日星期一 11月19日星期二 班達拉奈克 (CMB) 哈馬德 (DOH) 可倫坡, 斯里蘭卡 杜哈, 卡達 飛行時間:4小時56分鐘 計劃時間 出發 到達 03:25 06:00 11...
Fork of node qrcode that allows you to place a text label under the qr. This was created for IOT devices that might need to display a code to pair as an option instead of scanning the QR code. - node-qrcode-label/package-lock.json at master · afisherdev
The Group continues to closely monitor and manage its liquidity risk. In assessing the Group's going concern status, the Directors have taken account of the financial position of the Group, anticipated future utilisation of available fund, its capital investment plans and forecast of gross operating...
A simple React Component using the client's webcam to read barcodes. - react-qr-barcode-scanner/package-lock.json at main · ramonkroetz/react-qr-barcode-scanner