QQ音乐music.rayhomie.icu/ rayhomie/react-qq-musicgithub.com/rayhomie/react-qq-music 由于之前在github上看到了一个高仿mac版网易云客户端播放器的项目。由于在github上目前还没有高仿mac版QQ音乐的项目。 所以就手撸了一个 react 版的qq音乐mac客户端播放器,这里还非常感谢 Rain120 提供了QQ音乐API。
🎵 基于 React 的QQ音乐 mac 客户端播放器(PC) Online Music Player(qqmusic) - rayhomie/react-qq-music
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Our platform comprises online music, online audio, online karaoke, music-centric live streaming and online concert services. We have built our platform not just as a music streaming service provider, but a broad community for music fans to discover, listen, sing, watch, perform and socialize aro...
qqmusic_v1.0 jsp技术制作的高仿QQ在线播放器。有需要的欢迎下载-jsp technology to produce high imitation QQ online player. Welcome to download n
QQ Player software is a free app for Windows PC that helps you play videos, movies, and music. You can play all video and audio formats without the need for external codex packages. It helps you play videos, movies, and music, snapshot video as digital images, converting video and music...
QQ Musicrefers to the digital audio music playerproducts providedby TME Group through QQ Music website (x.xx.xxx), QQ Music application and QQMusic librarybefore theexecution of this Agreement, as well as its digital music copyright businessesrelated toQQ Music.For the avoidance of doubt, wheth...
"//y.gtimg.cn/music/common/upload/mm_open_10004/2153747.png?max_age=2592000":"//y.qq.com/music/common/upload/mm_open_10004/2116614.png?max_age=2592000";return preact.h("div",null,preact.h("div",{class:"qui_dialog qui_dialog_share",style:{display:n?"":"none"}},preact.h("...
QQ Player freeware View Image QQ Media Player software is a free application that helps you play videos, movies and music. You can play all video and audio formats without the need for external codex packages. You can also play flash SWF format files. This allows you to play fl...