qpq热处理定义及特点(Definition and characteristics of QPQ heat treatment).doc,qpq热处理定义及特点(Definition and characteristics of QPQ heat treatment) QPQ process (liquid nitriding) QPQ salt bath composite treatment is an advanced technology for sur
heattreatment) QPQprocess(liquidnitriding) QPQsaltbathcompositetreatmentisanadvancedtechnologyfor surfacemodificationofmetalfusedsalt.Theworkpieceintwo kindsofdifferentpropertiesofmoltensaltliquid successivelyintheprocessing,makeavarietyofelements simultaneouslypenetrateintothemetalsurface,forminga ...
Place the workpiece into the carburizing medium for heating and heat preservation, so that carbon atoms can penetrate into the surface of the chemical heat treatment process. Performance after carburizing and quenching: obtain high surface hardness and high contact fatigue. Classification: solid ...
Abstract:EffectofQPQcomplexsaltbathheattreatmentonwearresistanceofductilecastironhas beenstudied,whichhasbeenpretreatedtogetdifferentferritecontentwith900℃normalizingandtem- peratdifferentheat.QPQcomplexsaltbathheat-treatmentprocesswasthattheductilecastironwasni- tridedinthenitridingsaltat580℃for3handfollowedbyoxidizing...
castiron(wt%) C Si Mn P S Cu Fe 1 试验 方法 3.5 2.5 0.5 0.04 0.02 0.9 余 1.1 热处理规范和 QPQ处理 表 2 球墨铸铁的热处理工艺 试验采用的球墨铸铁所含的主要合金元素如表 1 Table2 Prelim inaryheattreatmentprocessof 所示 。球墨铸铁 的热处理工艺见表 2,经过不同工艺 nodularcastiron 热处理...
内容提示: 第40 卷第 5 期2015 年 5 月 HEAT TREATMENT OF METALSVol. 40 No. 5May 201542CrMo 钢销轴 QPQ 处理后的组织与性能邓永玖 1 ,周鑫淼 1 ,祁标 2 ,李先芬 3 ,康栋 1 ,李新群 1(1. 徐工集团工程机械股份有限公司 建设机械分公司,江苏 徐州 221000;2. 江苏苏标电炉有限公司,江苏 盐城...
盐浴液体氮化(QPQ)工艺: 工艺: 盐浴液体氮化 工艺 一、盐浴液体氮化(QPQ)工艺: 工件在 570±10℃工作温度,在熔盐中将… wenku.baidu.com|基于64个网页 2. 盐浴氮化 法福盐浴氮化(QPQ)的革命性新技术经法福盐浴氮化(QPQ)处理后,中碳钢的耐磨性可以达到常规淬火的30倍,低碳钢渗碳淬火 … ...
Systematic materials characterization of the Quench-Polish-Quench complex salt bath heat-treatment process (QPQ) surface modified 316L steel was investigated. The results reveal that the nitro-carburized sample surfaces consist of Cr 2N/γ-Fe 4N and CrN/γ-Fe, while the post-oxidized sample ...
A treatment process for the surface of a plug of a pressure-balance oil seal plug valve used in an oil-gas pipeline and a plug obtained by the process, wherein the plug surface (5) is provided with a first hardening layer (1) of a thickn... CAI, DEFA,YANG, SHENGLONG,LIU, PEIJIAN...