品牌/型号:Q-LIGHT/QPHL300 / QPHL400 / QPHL500 是否提供加工定制:是 主要适用范围:在大型配电箱、控制面板供应强烈的照度 光源功率:10(W)W 电压:220(V)V 灯罩型式:IP44/IP65 灯座型式:灯罩-PC 外形尺寸:600~1000Lux at 1m(mm)mm <p><span class= "subject_code ">QPHL</span><span class= "...
To study the aerobic and anaerobic microbiologic characteristics of superficial suppurative thrombophlebitis. Retrospective review of microbiologic and clinical data. Navy Hospital in Bethesda, Md. Sixty-one isolates, 36 aerobic and 25 anaerobic, were isolated from samples obtained from 42 patients. Aer...
事件背景 近日,中外社交平台流传消息称,在波兰矿场博格丹卡煤矿矿洞里发现了500多具乌克兰军人及外国雇佣兵尸体,且尸体内脏被掏空。传言称,这些士兵是被运抵这里进行器官摘除手术,相关人员通过非法器官贩卖牟利。 明查 消息可能源自何处? 用俄语检索网传说法的直接来源,俄罗斯《真理报》于3月1日发布的文章与相关说法基...