优先级映射实现从DSCP到802.1p、丢弃优先级、DSCP优先级的映射,其过程如下: 在报文进入设备时,在端口信任报文携带的DSCP优先级的情况下,DSCP根据MAP table被映射为802.1p优先级。 设备根据802.1p与内部优先级(也就是服务等级)之间默认的映射关系确定报文进入的队列,从而针对队列进行流量整形、拥塞避免、队列调度等处理...
通过dscp控制流量优先级需要把piece of cake改为layer of cake,需要diffserv4要在队列规则选项(出口)添加diffserv4,默认是diffserv3。 理论上对下载流量打dscp标记应该没意义,都已经传到本地路由器了。。。 如果对下载流量打了标记需要修改设置,压缩 DSCP改为don't squash,忽略 DSCP(入口)改为Allow。 diffserv4...
DSCP QoS-group Marking (conditional Marking) DSCP mutation Class-default table-map Policing One-rate, two-color (1r2c) 1r2c and two-rate, three-color (2r3c) Policing markdown Policing exceeds markdown. Only supports DSCP. Policing exceeds and violates markdown. The markdown is supported th...
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 description *** Access Port *** switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access mls qos trust dscp end 示例2:如果端口是中继端口,则可以配置mls qos trust cos 或mls qos trust dscp命令。如果端口配置为信任 DSCP,则将使用 dscp-cos 映射表计算 CoS 值。同样,如果端口...
DSCP priority in IP packets if-match dscp dscp-value &<1-8> If you enter multiple DSCP priority values in the command, packets match the traffic classifier as long as they match one DSCP priority, regardless of whether the relationship between rules in the traffic classifier is AND o...
Expand table Media traffic typeClient source port rangeProtocolDSCP valueDSCP class Audio 50,000–50,019 TCP/UDP 46 Expedited Forwarding (EF) Video 50,020–50,039 TCP/UDP 34 Assured Forwarding (AF41) Application/Screen Sharing 50,040–50,059 TCP/UDP 18 Assured Forward...
Windows Server 2003 provides a default DSCP value for each service type on a host, but some Layer 3 network devices can direct hosts to use different values. Windows Server 2003 uses the default DSCP values listed in the following table....
Windows Server 2003 provides a default DSCP value for each service type on a host, but some Layer 3 network devices can direct hosts to use different values. Windows Server 2003 uses the default DSCP values listed in the following table....
DSCP value “101110”: looks like IP Precedence 5 to non-DiffServ-compliant devices Bits 5 to 7: “101” = 5 (Same three bits used for IP Precedence) Bits 3 to 4: “11” = drop probability high Bit 2: Just “0” 3-2 AF PHB ...
RouteTable.Definition RouteTable.DefinitionStages RouteTable.DefinitionStages.Blank RouteTable.DefinitionStages.WithBgpRoutePropagation RouteTable.DefinitionStages.WithCreate RouteTable.DefinitionStages.WithGroup RouteTable.DefinitionStages.WithRoute RouteTable.Update RouteTable.UpdateStages RouteTable.UpdateStages.With...