qos burst-mode命令用来配置设备缓存管理的突发模式。 undo qos burst-mode命令用来恢复设备缓存管理的突发模式为缺省模式。 缺省情况下,CX320缓存管理的突发模式为标准模式。 命令格式 qos burst-mode { enhanced | shared } slot slot-id undo qos burst-mode { enhanced | shared } slot slot-id 参数说明 参...
执行命令qos burst-mode { enhanced | extreme } slot slot-id,配置设备缓存管理的突发模式。配置为极限模式可能会影响到其它接口的正常转发功能,因此建议配置接口管理的突发模式为增强模式。 设备上缓存管理的突发模式不能与接口上队列占用动态缓存的最大百分比同时配置。 在S5720-LI、S5720S-LI、S5720I-SI、eKi...
9.1.1 enhanced-qos 10 QPPB 10.1 QPPB配置命令 10.1.1 bgp-policy 11 QoS管道模式配置命令 11.1.1 qos pipe-mode 1 QoS策略 · 设备支持两种运行模式:独立运行模式和IRF模式,缺省情况为独立运行模式。有关IRF模式的介绍,请参见“IRF配置指导”中的“IRF”。 · 本文中的“业务处理板”指的是单板丝印为“CR...
在任意视图下执行display命令可以显示接口的子接口切片配置信息,通过查看显示信息验证配置的效果。 表4-1 子接口切片显示和维护 操作 命令 显示子接口切片配置信息 display mode channel-bandwidth interface [ interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber } ] [ slot slot-number ] 5...
Since Enhanced QoS mode configuration does not support more than 32000 policers, you cannot enable the hw-module profile qos policer-scale and hw-module profile stats qos-enhanced commands at the same time. The QoS policer scale numbers are only applicable when the hw-module...
Step 1. Navigate to Configuration > Security > AAA > Authentication > Servers/Groups and select +Add. Enter the AAA server name, IP address and key, which has to match the shared secret under Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices on ISE....
EDCAenhanceddistributedchannelaccess EDCAFenhanceddistributedchannelaccessfunction EIFSextendedinterframespace HCCAHCFcontrolledchannelaccess HCFhybridcoordinationfunctionHCFhybridcoordinationfunction MACmediumaccesscontrol MPDUMACprotocoldataunit NAVnetworkallocationvector ...
The chance of getting a slot by a non-owner node also depends on its priority level. Queue-MAC [10] is another hybrid protocol which has addressed the issue of burst network traffic by allocating time slots of dynamic size. In this protocol, packets coming from the children nodes carry ...
On receiving the DL- and UL-MAP, recipient(s) become(s) aware when the multicast burst is going to be transmitted and if an ACK arrival is expected from the recipient, that is, if an ACK slot in the ACK-CH part of the uplink subframe is allocated for the recipient. By the ACKs,...
Precautions You cannot configure the burst traffic buffering mode both in the system view and interface view. Example # Configure the enhanced burst traffic buffering mode in slot 1. <HUAWEI> system-view [~HUAWEI] qos burst-mode enhanced slot 1Related...