最高的音质Qobuz可以达到24-Bit.192kHz,Tidal和Primephonic是24-Bit.96kHz, Apple music 是256 kbps的AAC格式(据说比320Kbps音质好,我感觉也是如此), Spotify 320Kbps, Amazon music unlimited 256kbps, Amazon Music HD 据说最高也有24-Bit.192kHz,但是我没试听到。而且我有点偏见,总觉得Amazon就是送快递的,做...
Image: Amazon Another music-streaming service just jumped into the high-res audio ring, and it’s a big one: Amazon. Available starting today, Amazon Music HD boasts more than 50 million songs with lossless CD-quality sound, plus “millions” more with better-than-CD “ultra HD” sonics...
If you’re unimpressed by Qobuz, check outAmazon Music HD. It offers similar features to Qobuz and is much more affordable. Read next:Spotify vs Pandora Frequently asked questions Do you have to purchase the music album to listen to it on Qobuz, and isn't Qobuz like Spotify that offers a...
For many years, Tidal has stood out for itshi-res musicofferings, a feature long shared with Qobuz. However, the landscape has changed, and now other services likeApple MusicandAmazon Music(and soon Spotify, hopefully) have also ventured into the hi-res music space. Tidal’s loss of near ...
If you’re an audiophile who is open to the idea of streaming, your options for better quality music have risen considerably in recent years. But what othermusic streaming servicesare finally catching onto, Qobuz has been doing from the get go – and maybe that longevity in the market, with...
Download music directly from Spotify, Amazon Music, Soundcloud, Qobuz, Deezer, Tidal, or Napster for free. 一个音乐下载工具,提供下载从Spotify、Amazon Music、Soundcloud、Qobuz、Deezer等平台免费下载音乐。 使用简单方便,直接复制需要的下载的音乐链接,点击下载即可。 也可以在搜索框内输入你要查找的音乐名字或...