QNAP威联通 TS..前几天开始出现NAS运行1天左右就会假死。昨天更新了最新5.0固件后,今天依旧出现假死。状况是无法通过PC和手机APP访问NAS,也无法通过192.168.***.***打开NAS管理页面。NAS无法
Please read carefully and strictly adhere to the instructions of the manual. This user manual is applicable to the following Turbo NAS models: HS-210, HS-251, TS-112P, TS-131, TS-212P, TS-231, TS-231+, TS-251, TS-253 Pro, TS-420U, TS-421U, TS-431, TS-431+, TS-451, TS-...
(up to 16TB) for long-term recording • Real-time SMS and email alert • Intelligent auto power on when power resumes after power outage • Multi-channel playback at different speed • Supports UPS for 24x7 service • Easy data search by date time, timeline, event, and • ...
TS-212P3,插上电试了下还能开机,想着反正放那儿也是吃灰,就找了两个闲置的老硬盘装上去,准备装个 Plex 存点电影用。 装上硬盘,插上网线,通电开机,电脑安装 Qfinder Pro 找到 NAS,点击进入初始化界面。正准备点下一步,突然看到有个“更新检查”的选项,我想这么久没用了,系统应该都更新了好几版了,干脆就直接...
Reset Button43 LEDs 43 Beep Alarm 45 5. Troubleshooting Forcing Qinder Pro or myQNAPcloud to Locate the NAS 46 Hot-swapping Failed Drives46 Support and Other Resources46 6. Glossary CloudKey 48 CloudLink 48 myQNAPcloud 48 myQNAPcloud ID 48 Qinder Pro 48 QTS48 7. Notices Limited Warranty...