在FileStation5里面也可以设置管理快照功能,使用上还是非常容易上手的。 在自己的NAS本地访问中可以看到文件夹中多了一个@Recently-Snapshot(快照)文件夹,这个就是快照文件夹,还有一个@Recycle(回收站)文件夹可以查看最近删除的文件。对于连@Recycle里面也没有的就可以去@Recently-Snapshot里查找要恢复的文件。 可以...
全局快照设置 在快照管理员窗口右上角按 [全局设置],有一个全局设置: • 让快照目录(@Recently-Snapshot)变为可见:此功能可将快照磁盘区挂载到共享文件夹,并设置为File Station 中的只读磁盘区 。快照目录会以 [@Recently-Snapshot ]型态出现。 73 在存储空间总管窗口右上角按 [全局设置],有一个全局设置:...
在共用資料夾根目錄顯示快照 啟用此功能後,每個共用資料夾的根目錄會顯示唯讀資料夾 @Recently- 目錄 (@Recently-Snapshot) Snapshot ,其中含有全部共用資料夾的快照。您可以使用複製功能,將檔案 與資料夾從 @Recently-Snapshot 還原到其他資料夾。 當快照數量達到上限 指定磁碟區、LUN 或 NAS 的快照數量達到上限...
drwxr-xr-x 2 admin administratiors 4096 2021-01-23 23:12 @Recently-Snapshot/ drwxrwxrwx 2 admin administrators 4096 2021-01-23 23:12 @Recycle/ -rw-r—r—1 admin administrators 17179869184 2021-01-23 23:36 swapfile 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
Clicking “Storage” under “Overview” will give you an idea of how your storage array is set up. If you need to delete the created storage array and start over, you can do it under “Storage / Snapshots”. All other areas such as “iSCSI”, “Snapshot” and “Cache Acceleration” ...
Only the NAS A snapshot shared folder enables faster snapshot creation and restoration. admin account can access the new folder. 15. Click Next. 16. Click Finish. A confirmation message appears. Warning Clicking OK deletes all data on the selected disks. QVP creates and initializes the ...
With dual-port 2.5 GbE transmission and the ability to natively host virtual machines and containers while performing as an all-in-one server protected by key snapshot and backup technologies, the Ryzen CPU-powered TS-x73AU Series meets the most-demanding needs of enterprises. With PCIe ...
If an online LUN is selected, the NAS will automatically create a point-in-time snapshot for the LUN. 4. Specify the destination where the LUN will be backed up to. The NAS supports LUN backup to a Linux share (NFS), a Windows share (CIFS/SMB), and a local folder on the NAS. ...