要恢复,请按恢复处于“降级”状态的 RAID 组中的步骤进行操作。 如果取出的磁盘数量大于RAID 组的磁盘容错数量: RAID 组的状态将更改为“Error (Not Active)”(错误(非活动))。 所有受影响的存储池、卷和 LUN 的状态均更改为“Error”(错误)。 无法访问受影响卷和 LUN 上的数据。 要恢复,请按恢复处于“错...
Last postRe: Qfile pro not syncing fil… bydolbymanView the latest post Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:43 am Login•Register Username:Password:I forgot my password|Remember me Who is online In total there are6users online :: 3 registered, 0 hidden and 3 guests (based on users active over the...
• The status of all RAID groups on the expansion unit will change to Not Active. Reinitialize enclosure ID Reset all expansion unit IDs, and then give each unit a new ID number starting from 1 based on the order than they are physically connected. Tip Use this action if the expansion...
raidnasqnap迁移硬盘扩容 *单颗硬盘NAS及TS-210不支持在线容量扩充(OnlineRAIDcapacityexpansion)、在线组态迁移(OnlineRAIDlevelmigration)及RAID复原。 您可以使用此功能在保留原有硬盘数据的情况下,进行容量扩充(RAID1/5/6)、RAID组态迁移(单独硬盘/RAID1/RAID5)、或设定备用硬盘(RAID5/6)。 在线RAID容量扩充(Onli...
The NAS is in degraded mode (one member Flashes red drive fails in RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 6 every 0.5 sec configuration). 1. The NAS is starting up . Flashes green 2. The NAS is not configured . every 0.5 sec 3. A hard disk drive is not formatted . Flashes green 1 every 2 ...
确实有些不是很方便。作者在最开始是使用Wiz为知云笔记购买了2年多的会员,也使用了两年,后面确实因为一些原因(想白嫖😳,咳咳咳,节约成本),就将笔记迁移到本地以Markdown笔记的形式保存,最近买了一台威联通(QNAP)TS-464C2NAS ,所以就萌生了在NAS中搭建私有化为知笔记的想法。CVE...
The RAID protection (RAID 1/ 5/ 5+hot spare/ 6/ 6+hot spare) protects the data from hard drive failure. Moreover, you can use the secure remote replication for scheduled data backup to a remote location, or back up the data to external storage devices. Government: Today the amount of...
• The system fan is not functioning. • An error occurred when accessing (read/write) the data. • A bad sector is detected on a drive. • The NAS is in degraded read-only mode (two member drives failed in RAID 5 or RAID 6 but the data can still be read). • Hardware ...
- Volume type: RAID 5 (Seagate) ST1000NM0033 x 4 Client PCs: - Intel® Core™ i7-4770 3.40Ghz, DDR3 1600Hz 16GB, ST31000524AS, Microsoft Windows 10 64bit 直立式的人性化设计 TS-453Bmini 采钢琴烤漆展现静谧质地,独特的直立式造型,可节省达 29% 的桌面空间*;内建精巧风扇可有效散热、降...
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