初次登录需要选择同步文件夹,NAS地址,可以先在电脑上建立一个文件夹专门用于网盘同步,NAS连接的设置见下图 我这个截图是在办公室里远程登录,地址那输入NAS的DDNS域名,需要注意的是端口号也要输入(图中没有显示,可能是个bug),如果NAS安装了SSL证书,可以通过https连接的话建议采用“安全登录”加强安全性。如果非常确定...
容商网厂家QNAP TS-421 NAS 网络存储服务器 威联通 4BAY 塔式,品牌:威联通型号:TS-421系统内存:1GBDDR3RAM硬盘盘位:4支持RAID级别:可作RAID0/1/5/6/5+Hotspare处理器:Marvell2.0GHz支持网络标准:AFP,SAMBA,FTP,HTT
QNAP威联通 TS..前几天开始出现NAS运行1天左右就会假死。昨天更新了最新5.0固件后,今天依旧出现假死。状况是无法通过PC和手机APP访问NAS,也无法通过192.168.***.***打开NAS管理页面。NAS无法
ResetButton.. 5.Troubleshooting ForcingQfinderProormyQNAPcloudtoLocatetheNAS.… SupportandOtherResources 6.Glossary CloudKey.… myQNAPcloudLink.. QfinderPro.. 7.Notices LimitedWarranty.28 Disclaimer.………. SJ/T11364-2006.… TS-130UserGuide ...
PowerButton28 ResetButton28 USBOneTouchCopyButton28 LEDs29 AudioAlert30 5.Troubleshooting ForcingQfinderProormyQNAPcloudtoLocatetheNAS32 Hot-swappingFailedDrives32 RecoveringUnintentionallyRemovedHealthyDrives33 SupportandOtherResources33 6.Glossary CloudKey34 ...
•Whentheresetbuttonispressedfor10seconds, theNASresetsconigurationsandreboots. 3•TheNASdatacannotbecopiedtotheexternal storagedeviceconnectedtotheUSBOneTouch Copyport. •Theoperatingsystemwasupdated. Longbeep(1.5seconds)3(every5minutes)•Apowererroroccurred. •Asystemfanisnotfunctioning. •Afanmod...
of Times Description Short beep 1 1) The NAS is starting up. (0.5 sec) 2) The NAS is being shut down (software shutdown). 3) The user presses the reset button to reset the NAS. 4) The system firmware has been updated. Short beep 3 The NAS data cannot be copied to the external...
The TVS-471 is a powerful NAS storage solution designed for I/O-intensive tasks, mission-critical business applications and fast-growing data storage needs.
I decided to hard reset it (3 seconds on the back reset button) I can still see my NAS and the IP address has changed But I am still unable to login with QFinder or Open through WebBrowser and Ping timed out. Trying with to login Qfinder sends an error message "Cannot connect to de...
2.PCIe 3.0 x4 (slot 2)10.Reset button 3.PCIe 3.0 x4 (slot 3)11.Kensington security slot 4.USB 3.0 ports12.System fans 5.Console port13.Power switch 6.6.3 mm microphone jacks14.Power port 7.3.5 mm speaker jack15.Speakers 8.Gigabit RJ45 Ethernet ports ...