1、兰卡斯特2:2专业推荐 MSc Marketing MSc Management MA Human Resource and Consulting MSc Innovation and EntrepreneurshipMSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc Project ManagementMSc Financial Management MSc Money, Banking and FinanceMSc Business Analytics MA Sociology...
•MSc Accounting and Finance(3.7截止) •MSc Finance and Investment •MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability 经济学院 •MSc Economics •MSc Economics and Finance •MSc Economics, Finance and Management(3.7截止) 管理...
MSc Telecommunication and Wireless Systems with Industrial Experience 布里斯托大学 截止日期:2020年2月7日 截止课程:MSc Accounting, Finance & Management MSc Economics, Finance & Management MSc Management MSc Management (Marketing)MSc Management (International Business)MSc Management (Operations and Project Ma...
-MSc Building Information Modelling Project Management -MSc Construction and Project Management -MSc Psychological Sciences -MSc Clinical Health Psychology -MA Global Security and Boarders -PGCE (English)以下专业未关闭申请,但新递交申请及部分offer holder将进入等待名单(Waiting List)-MSc Bioinformatics and ...
-MSc Building Information Modelling Project Management -MSc Construction and Project Management -MSc Psychological Sciences -MSc Clinical Health Psychology -MA Global Security and Boarders -PGCE (English) 以下专业未关闭申请,但新递交申请及部分offer holder将进入等待名单(Waiting List) ...
Water and Environmental Management MSc 学校官网 https://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/coursefinder/courses/water-and-environmental-management-msc/ 录取要求 ▶ 开学时间:9月 ▶ 课程时间:1年 ▶ 语言要求: 雅思:7.0 overall including 6.5 in Writing, and 5.5 in Reading, Listening and Speakin...
MSc Research Project 就业方向 大体上,机电一体化技术专业应用领域广泛,就业岗位群大,学生毕业后可在相应的企事业单位从事机电设备的运行、维修、安装、调试、机电一体化设备的设计、改造以及生产管理、技术管理等工作。 学生毕业后具体可在各企业、公司,从事加工制造业,家电生产和售后服务,数控加工机床设备使用维护,物...
卧龙岗大学和伦敦大学玛丽王后学院(qmul)都是大家出国留学选择的热门学校,那卧龙岗大学和伦敦大学玛丽王后学院(qmul)哪个好呢。下面申请方将结合官方数据和用户评价为您详细分析卧龙岗大学和伦敦大学玛丽王后学院(qmul)哪个好 目录 1. 卧龙岗大学和伦敦大学玛丽王后学院世界排名 ...
MSc Social Media and Management https://www.york.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-taught/courses/msc-social-media-and-management/ 入学信息 学费:£18,700 语言:7.0 in the British Council's IELTS test with at least IELTS 6.0 in writing and no less than 5.5 in all other components ...