importQtQuickimportQtQuick.ControlsButton { id: idRoot text:"Draggable agent button"// 拖动目标对象,默认是 parent 父窗体,也可以是其他组件 property var target: parent// 最后鼠标位置 property point lastCursorPosition: Qt.point(,)// 是否拖动状态 property bool isDraggable:false ...
如果未指定,将默认为 TextEdit.SelectCharacters。 cursorPosition = 5 moveCursorSelection(9, TextEdit.SelectCharacters) moveCursorSelection(7, TextEdit.SelectCharacters) 上面的代码会将光标移动到位置 5,将选择端从 5 扩展到 9,然后将选择端从 9 缩回到 7,从而选择位置 5 到 7 的文本(第 6 个和第 7...
TextField是QML中的一个文本输入控件,用于接收用户的文本输入。在默认情况下,TextField会自动处理文本的插入和删除,以及光标的位置移动。然而,TextField并不直接提供基于cursorPosition进行文本定位的功能。 如果需要基于cursorPosition定位文本,可以通过使用Qt的TextInput控件来实现。TextInput是QML中的另一个文本输入控件,...
anchors.fill:parent//if hoverEnabled: true//not press can be get mouse position changehoverEnabled:trueonPositionChanged:{//use event_bus_id for sending singal//you should add the pos *** from children window to father//it means: event_bus_id.sendMousePos(mouse.x + *** ,mouse.y + **...
date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes()+operate); } str=date.toString(); txt=dateFormat(date,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"); dateEdit.text=txt; dateEdit.cursorPosition=pos; } function checkNull(value) { return (!value || value == null || typeof(value) == "undefined" || value == ""); ...
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("cursorTool", &cursorTool); // 后端缩略图加载,由 QMLEngine 管理生命周期 MultiImageLoad *multiImagaLoad = new MultiImageLoad; engine.addImageProvider(QLatin1String("Multiimage"), multiImagaLoad); MultiImageLoad *multiImageLoad = new MultiImageLoad; engin...
I want the blue rectangle in the upper left corner, to only appear given some condition based on the X, Y position of the mouse within the window. Now overlaying the MouseArea enables me to track the cursor position at all times. The catch is then, that the TextField is now broken. ...
}/**描述:根据qt坐标系点转化为chart所在的坐标系点 *参数1:[NULL] 参数2:[NULL] *返回:NULL *作者:zhuxy*/functiongetChartPositionFromQML(qmlPoint) { console.assert(id_chart.count>0, "chart series count is 0");returnid_chart.mapToValue(qmlPoint, id_chart.series(0)); }...
stringgetFormattedText(intstart, intend) stringgetText(intstart, intend) insert(intposition, stringtext) isRightToLeft(intstart, intend) linkAt(realx, realy) moveCursorSelection(intposition, SelectionModemode) paste() intpositionAt(intx, inty) ...
{ position: 0.0; color: "#B9CBB5" } GradientStop { position: 0.33; color: "#E0C58C" } GradientStop { position: 0.66; color: "#B3D0A9" } GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#82DADB" } } ListView { id:view anchors.fill: parent orientation: Qt.Vertical spacing: 3 model:List...