model: ListModel{ListElement{key:"First";value:123}ListElement{key:"Second";value:456}ListElement{key:"Third";value:789}}} 注意:如果为 ComboBox 分配了一个具有多个命名角色的数据模型,但未定义 textRole,则ComboBox 无法将其可视化并抛出ReferenceError: modelData is not defined。 属性 acceptableInput...
1. Qml键盘代码 Rectangle { id: rootKeyboard property color backgroundColor: "#202120" ...
Button { text: "刷新组合框" onClicked: { // 发送刷新信号 refreshComboBox() } } 在组合框所在的QML文件中,监听该信号并执行刷新操作。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 ComboBox { id: comboBox // 绑定信号的处理函数 onRefreshComboBox: { // 执行刷新操作,例如重新加载数据 comboBox.clear() // 添加...
ComboBox { textRole: "key" model: ListModel { ListElement { key: "First"; value: 123 } ListElement { key: "Second"; value: 456 } ListElement { key: "Third"; value: 789 } } }Note: If ComboBox is assigned a data model that has multiple named roles, but textRole is not ...
Note:If ComboBox is assigned a data model that has multiple named roles, buttextRoleis not defined, ComboBox is unable to visualize it and throws aReferenceError: modelData is not defined. See alsoCustomizing ComboBox,Input Controls, andFocus Management in Qt Quick Controls. ...
GeodatabaseFeatureTable{id:featureTable}ComboBox{id:comboBox// model: featureTable.fields // avoid this, because the model will create non-explicit referencestextRole:"name"}propertyvar fieldList: []functioninitFieldListModel(){for(vari =0; i < featureTable.fields.length; ++i) { ...
*/ property Component tickmarks: Repeater { id: repeater model: control.stepSize > 0 ? 1 + (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue) / control.stepSize : 0 Rectangle { color: "#777" width: 1 ; height: 3 y: repeater.height x: styleData.handleWidth / 2 + index * ((repeater...
{comboBox.currentIndex=0; } }Component.onCompleted:discoveryAgent.start()functionselectDevice(device) {if(currentDevice)currentDevice.connected=false;currentDevice=device;messagesListModel.clear();JSON.stringify(device,undefined,2).split("\n").forEach(log);dataSource.source=currentDevice;currentDevice...
SqlQueryModel is a read-only data model for SQL results sets. It's returned by a call to queryModel onSqlDatabasewith a SQL statement. This component is useful for rapidly populating components such as ListView and ComboBox, and behaves similar to ListModel. This component can also be used...
GeodatabaseFeatureTable { id: featureTable } ComboBox { id: comboBox // model: featureTable.fields // avoid this, because the model will create non-explicit references textRole: "name" } property var fieldList: [] function initFieldListModel() { for (var i = 0; i < featureTable.fie...