刷写固件 最简单的刷写固件的方法就是下载安装QMK Toolbox这一专用的图形化刷写软件。
"beta" releases now published on every push tomaster(#261) -https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases/beta Known issues: [Windows] If the Toolbox detects the bootloader device, but fails to flash, make sure you have installed the drivers: selectTools->Install Drivers... ...
PackageIdentifier: QMK.QMKToolbox PackageVersion: 0.3.3 InstallerType: inno Scope: machine InstallModes: - interactive - silent - silentWithProgress UpgradeBehavior: install ReleaseDate: 2024-06-13 Installers: - Architecture: x64 InstallerUrl: https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases/down...
最简单的刷写固件的方法就是下载安装QMK Toolbox这一专用的图形化刷写软件。
然后在QMK Toolbox上点OPEN选择刚才保存的HEX文件,点击Flash。得到下图,是的,这就是在大神的帖子里你永远不会见到的失败的样子…… 看到窗口中提示文字的最下面一行有个网址,复制下来去看看,一无所获…… 再去QMK官网看看,地址:docs.qmk.fm,点击页面右上角“Translations”可以选择中文,我爱中文!感谢QMK!!!关于...
网址:https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases 首先我们来到keyboard layout editor编辑键盘的布局,这里科普一下keyboard layout editor的基本使用方法。 用鼠标左键点选一个你要挪动的键,选中以后的按键,四周会有红色线框。如上图中的6键所示。 如果要一次挪动一组相邻的按键,还可以按住鼠标左键进行...
网址:https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases 首先我们来到keyboard layout editor编辑键盘的布局,这里科普一下keyboard layout editor的基本使用方法。 用鼠标左键点选一个你要挪动的键,选中以后的按键,四周会有红色线框。如上图中的6键所示。 如果要一次挪动一组相邻的按键,还可以按住鼠标左键进行...
When using the QMK Toolbox on Windows, it will prompt at first run to install the necessary drivers. If you run into any issues with "Device not found" when flashing, then you may need to useZadigto fix the issue. Download Windows and macOS versions are available, and you can getthe ...
下载地址:https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases/tag/0.0.19 (一般来说打开这个会询问你是否安装qmk的驱动,如果没有提示或者不小心按了no,这 里可以下载qmk驱动:https://github.com/qmk/qmk_driver_installer/releases); 具体的其他刷机办法,下次有空等我学会了再写。
1. Download the default Settings firmware First, when opening the QMK toolbox to flash the firmware, the page of the toolbox must be the same as the content circled in the left picture! Otherwise the keyboard will be bricked due to firmware error.In...