代码是没有错,应该是你没有包函库函数引起的,你在widget.cpp里引入这个类就可以了 include <QMessageBox> 或者直接用 include <QtGui> 这样就可以了。
You may not have noticed this, but the order the buttons are passed in, has no impact on how they appear on the message box. Default Button Look at the above image again. You’l have noticed that there is a blue outline around the “OK” button. This is the symbol of the default ...
- Given file extension is same with the declared extension. Return True if all tests pass, else False. """decl_ext = self.convertQCB.currentText().split(' ')[0]try:ifnotself.parent.unoconv:raiseValidationError( self.tr('Unocov is not installed.\nYou will not be able ''to convert do...