The resulting table only contains the combination among two tables with the full dataset from the first table. When we have more than one common field between two or more tables, then we have synthetic keys. 24. Define Right Join. Right join specifies that the join between the two tables ...
In this case both Sum() expressions will be calculated even though only one value will be utilized. In most cases this behavior is not of concern and in many applications will perform very well. However, a nested If() with many possible branches or a large data set may perform poorly. F...
When I examine the values in the app I discover the field contains an entire Datetime value and the display format hh:mm:ss is being used in the chart. I don’t need the date portion. I’ll use the Frac() function in the script to extract just the time. Reload followed by a new ...
The first thing you need is data, and more importantly data that contains 2 things, a start date and a duration. If you don't have a duration but you have an end date instead, you can calculate the duration by subtracting the latter from the former. For more on dates in QlikView see...
In an accumulated bar chart showing the sum of sales per year, e.g. the value of the year 1996 is added to that of the year 1997. If your chart contains several expressions, select the expression which values to be accumulated in the Expressions list. Accumulation is not available for ...
The dimension which is loaded at base level and is possible to calculate aggregate functions like sum(),avg(),min() etc is called as aggregate dimension Multi valued Dimension If the dimension attributes contains many to many relationship within the data then the dimension is called as multi va...
The QlikView document contains various Sheet objects, which can be moved around by dragging them and placed anywhere in the document. Let us create two sheet objects, a Table box and a Statistics Box. You can follow the earlier chapters where we have already learnt to create sheet objects. ...
The csv table contains sales figures for many product lines and categories. QlikView Aggr Function In QlikView, Aggr() function arises under progressive aggregation and delivers outstanding flexibility to the clients and programmers. This aggr() function will: ...
In an accumulated bar chart showing the sum of sales per year, e.g. the value of the year 1996 is added to that of the year 1997. If your chart contains several expressions, select the expression which values to be accumulated in the Expressions list. Accumulation is not available for ...
Clicking the “i” icon next to the flag will open the Flag Details panel which contains a link to the help article for this flag. In the help article we’re informed that using a key field in an expression can sometimes cause poor performance. The article goes on to advise using a no...