0.69,respectively. And each r value of correlation coefficient between single item and it’s domain were beyond 0.60, suggest that QLICP-BR questionnaire (Version 1.0) possesses a reasonable internal consistency validity. ⑥We compared the mean scores between the first measurement and the third ...
目的:应用乳腺癌患者生命质量测定量表QLICP-BR(quality of life instruments for cancer patients-breast cancer)调查乳腺癌患者化疗期间生命质量(quality of life,QOL)以测定其应用效果,对其效度、信度和反应度进行考评。 方法:我们应用QLICP-BR量表(V1.0)对2007年1月~2008年12月在我院肿瘤科住院化疗的114名乳腺癌...
结论:QLICP-BR具有较好的信度、效度和一定的反应度,可作为我国乳腺癌患者生命质量的测评工具。杨铮汤学良万崇华邹天宁陈德颠张冬梅孟琼癌症:英文版杨铮,汤学良,万崇华. 癌症患者生命质量测定量表体系之乳腺癌量表QLICP-BR的研制[J].癌症,2007,(10):1122-1126.doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-467x.2007.10.016.杨铮,汤...
@A ."($BCD)+ E%,#F36F2568:2G0;0 H+I#F36F2568:2G0;0 JCK+#,#/"($B")+LM+$NO+"((7/(K7/$ 基金项目!云南省自然科学基金 $A(7 GG.9953P% !"#$%# A+>)*+, Q/#%$/% H()$=+>#($ (- R)$$+$ S*(T#$/% $A(7 GG.9953P% 收稿日期!0992C95C02 修回日期!0992C98C...
1122 《 癌症》Chinese Journal of Cancer,2007,26( 10) : 1 122— 1 126 癌症患者生命质量测定量表体系之 乳腺癌量表 QLIC P. BR 的研制 杨铮 , 汤学良 2 万崇华 , Development of the S y stem of Q uality of Life I nstruments for Patients with Breast Cancer (Q LICP— BR ) Y A NG Z...
0.69,respectively. And each r value of correlation coefficient between single item and it’s domain were beyond 0.60, suggest that QLICP-BR questionnaire (Version 1.0) possesses a reasonable internal consistency validity. ⑥We compared the mean scores between the first measurement and the third ...