1.LED显示技术 首先LED是液晶屏,也就是我们俗称液晶电视,这其实是目前市面上大部分电视使用的显示技术形式,严格说来它也是LCD(液晶显示器)的一种。LED显示器是通过LED发光二极管来提供背光源,从而实现高亮度和高对比度的显示效果,LED显示技术具有更高的对比度和更低的能耗。现在我们看到各个品牌厂商使用的看起来“...
1.MiniLED显示技术 过去LED电视主要采用侧入式背光和直下式背光。侧入式背光是在液晶面板侧面封装背光条,灯珠一般只有几十颗,而且无法实现区域背光调节,也是过去最常见的背光类型,无法较好地控制同一场景中亮部与暗部的背光,对比度表现一般,好处是能够把电视做得更薄。直下式背光则是把LED背光板放在液晶层下,灯珠规...
Contrast is the difference between the darkest part of an image and the brightest part. If a TV can deliver a truly black dark portion, it doesn’t have to make the bright parts quite as bright to achieve good levels of contrast. That’s why, when it comes to black levels, OLED ...
the dots are contained in a film, and the light that hits them is provided by an LED backlight. That light then travels through a few other layers inside the TV, including a liquid crystal, or LCD, layer, to create the picture. The light from the LED ...
1、康佳85G9H Mini LED千级分区电视 康佳新出的产品,主要针对中高端市场,不管是平时看电影电视剧,还是用来当主机游戏显示屏,它都非常合适。 搭载的Mini-LED背光技术,分区数量也来到了千级,能够实现更加精细的区域调光,从而提高画面的对比度和层次感。
[1] Computer Hope;LED [2] HP;40 innovations that counted [3] P.C. Richard & Son;The History of Television, Part 2 [4] Electronics For U;LED Lighting for Commercial Applications [5] Difference Between;Difference Between LED and QLED ...
OLED, an advanced technology, brings remarkable improvements compared to LCD and LED displays. In contrast to LCD monitors, OLED televisions do not require a backlight. An OLED display can have individual pixel control as every pixel emits light. Consequently, the outcome is flawless darkness depth...
LED stands for light-emitting diode and simply refers to the backlight that lights up your TV. But not all LED TVs are created equal - the technology around them varies, and so too will your picture quality. This is why OLED and QLED TVs are seen as superior displays. With standard ...
LG is the boss of OLED and Samsung was once loyal to QLED but is now playing away. So what's the difference? And which is better?
Understanding the differences between and the benefits of these LED technologies is necessary to make sure you buy the right TV for you. Here's a quick primer so you can tell the difference between QLED, Mini-LED, microLED, and OLED TVs. ...