Explore the price & features of the Samsung QN800D 85" TV, featuring the NQ8 AI Gen2 Processor and 8K AI Upscaling that upscale every moment with more wow.
Explore the latest TV technology and compare sizes and prices of Samsung Neo QLED 8K TVs. Find the most elegant and sophisticated TV design here.
Anti-Reflection Screen Object Tracking Sound+ (OTS) Quantum Processor 8K AI UpscalingWays to Pay One-time payment: €4,699.00 Monthly payment: €195.79 24 Months Pay €195.79 25 payments 12 Months Pay €391.58 13 payments 6 Months Pay €783.17 7 payments Price €4,699.00 ...
China LED TV Qled TV 85 Inch 8K Smart LED 65 Inch 4K HD TV55 Smart TV US$499.00 99-198 Pieces US$298.00 199+ Pieces Product Details Customization: Available Screen Size: >55" Display Format: UHDTV Contact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get sam...
不仅在年初就推出了国内首款全程8K电视——TCL X10 8K QLED TV,率先明确了其在高清电视领域的主导地位;此外,TCL还承担起了8K电视普及先行者,在最近的大屏品鉴会上推出了比X10更A的同胞兄弟TCL X9 8K QLED TV,并以最低19999元的亲民价格成为国内首款消费级高端8K电视产品,颠覆了消费者对8K电视的固有认知...
TCL X9 8K QLED TV 拥有目前最完整的 一体化全程8K解决方案 从屏幕到图像引擎、算法、 传输通道,再到芯片 从内而外全方面打通8K技术 使得画面更加流畅 层次感更丰富 近距离观影画面也更细腻 不会出现像素颗粒感 X9用实力诠释 什么是真正的全程8K 全程8K黑科技 ...
得益于8K带来的超高分辨率,TCL X9 8K QLED TV电视的机身尺寸最高达到了85吋,依然能够保持非常细腻的画质。同时,TCL X9 8K QLED TV还有75吋以及65吋款式,共计三个版本。 TCL X9 8K QLED TV电视在外观上采用了精简主义设计风格,精致美观的全面屏风格加上双钻切工艺,体现了这款8K电视新锐将科技和艺术进行的巧妙...
85-inch: price, availability to be announced later 75-inch: $6,300 65-inch: $5,000 Recommended Videos 2023 QN800C Neo QLED 8K TV Samsung Samsung hasn’t said exactly how the more affordable QN800C will differ from the QN900C, but we’re guessing the main point will be brightn...
China LED TV Qled TV 85 Inch 8K Smart LED 65 Inch 4K UHD TV55 Smart TV Android Televisions, Find Details and Price about Qled TV UHD OLED TV from China LED TV Qled TV 85 Inch 8K Smart LED 65 Inch 4K UHD TV55 Smart TV Android ...
旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家,曾经高高在上的8K电视在经过了数年的蕴育后,走向主流市场的脚步声也是越来越响了。已经成为电视市场榜眼的TCL,在去年年末的IFA展上抢先发布了量产型8K电视TCL X9 8K QLED TV,一举将8K电视的价格下拉到了2万元以内,引发了市场轰动。目前这款电视已经在国内的京东、苏宁等线上线下各类...