ui.listenerProps->setVisible(false);return; }autogridLayout =static_cast<QGridLayout*>( layout );// add widgets for the listener's propertiesfor(autoprop = props.begin(); prop != props.end(); ++prop) {introw =static_cast<int>(std::distance( props.begin(), prop )); QString propNa...
在Designer时,直接拖拽到需要占位的地方(注意,两个空间之间或者布局之间均可,但其所在空间必须是QLayout而不是QWidget) 代码使用:使用addSpacerItem(QSpacerItem *spacerItem)、insertSpacerItem(int index, QSpacerItem *spacerItem)、removeItem(QLayoutItem *item) addSpacing(intsize)这类方法是设置间距而不是插入sp...
在Designer时,直接拖拽到需要占位的地方(注意,两个空间之间或者布局之间均可,但其所在空间必须是QLayout而不是QWidget) 代码使用:使用addSpacerItem(QSpacerItem *spacerItem)、insertSpacerItem(int index, QSpacerItem *spacerItem)、removeItem(QLayoutItem *item) addSpacing(intsize)这类方法是设置间距而不是插入sp...
Tells the geometry manager to place the menu barwidgetat the top ofparentWidget(), outsideQWidget::contentsMargins(). All child widgets are placed below the bottom edge of the menu bar. See alsomenuBar(). [pure virtual]QLayoutItem*QLayout::takeAt(intindex) ...
QtGui [as 别名]# 或者: from PySide.QtGui importQLayout[as 别名]defsetupUI(self):#---# main_layout auto creation for holding all the UI elements#---main_layout =Noneifisinstance(self, QtWidgets.QMainWindow): main_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(main_widget) main_layou...
void QLayout::setMenuBar ( QWidget * widget ) Tells the geometry manager to place the menu bar widget at the top of parentWidget(), outside QWidget::contentsMargins(). All child widgets are placed below the bottom edge of the menu bar. See also menuBar() ...
}#include"widgets.table"#undefDECLARE_LAYOUT#undefDECLARE_COMPAT_WIDGET#undefDECLARE_WIDGETif(l) { l->setObjectName(name);if(parentLayout) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(parentLayout->parent());if(w && w->inherits("Q3GroupBox")) { ...
{// 2) Normalize with all the coordinates// Let's pose a the coef to multiply x into x' and z into z' that keeps// the norm to 1:// axax + azaz = 1 - y'y'// aa(xx + zz) = 1 - y'y'// a = sqrt( (1 - y'y') / (xx + zz) )squaredNorm -= coordinate * coo...
{// This is important, otherwise the removed widgets sit around on the layout.widget->hide(); } } QWidget::hide(); } 開發者ID:jkrueger1,項目名稱:mantid,代碼行數:18,代碼來源:PeaksViewer.cpp 示例15: closeTimerSlot ▲點讚 1▼